Chapter 28

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Chapter song: Stuck in the Moment by Justin Bieber
(Becca's pov)
When we arrived back at Justin's house, his mom was putting the suitcases in the car. I held Justin close.
"Our flight leaves in 20 minutes, Justin"
Pattie stated. That means we have 10 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes to drive to his flight.
Justin looked at me apologetically.
"Hey guys"
Ryan and Chaz greeted us.
Justin turned around to look at them. I could barely speak from the pain I was feeling.
"Damn, we're gonna miss you, bro"
Chaz said glumly.
"I'm gonna miss you too"
Justin smiled weakly. I took the chance to wipe away the tears while Justin talked with them. I sniffled quietly, but loud enough for Justin to turn his attention back to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. Ryan and Chaz gave me a sympathetic look. I just hid my face in Justin's shirt. 5 minutes left.
Justin turned my back away from attention.
"...I want you to stay safe and don't stress yourself out. I'll contact you everyday....I love you"
Justin kissed me deep and passionate. I kissed him for the last time. The kiss lasted for as much as our breaths could hold. I teared up inside and out as it broke.
"I love you too"
My voice cracked before bursting into tears. Justin hugged me tightly, squeezing me safe and securely. I hugged back with the same tightness and pain.
"You'll be ok, baby...."
Justin sniffled in the hug, signaling he was crying too. Time didn't matter right now.
"See you later, babygirl"
Justin whispered to keep his voice from breaking.
"See you later, Justin"
I cried in the hug. We hugged, not wanting to let go. Unfortunately, time took it's place, and the hug was broken. Justin stepped away and turned around. I cried in my hands. Justin turned around one more time to blow me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and pressed my hands to my heart. He smiled before the car door closed. I stared at him in tears through the window as the car started driving. I cried harder, watching the most important thing in my life vanish into the distance. Ryan and Chaz hugged me comfortingly. I didn't move, just sat on the curb and cried in my hands. Chaz and Ryan sat beside me.
"You guys don't have to stay here"
I cried softly.
"No, we'll stay with you"
They rubbed my back comfortingly.
"He's gone"
I sobbed.
"He'll be back"
They spoke softly.
"In two years"
I cried harder.
"Hey, it's ok, Becca. You've still got us..."
They tried to brighten the mood.
"...We're not Justin, but at least you're not alone"
They comforted me.
"I wanna go home"
I finally stood up and wiped my face. Ryan and Chaz led me home.
"We'll see you tomorrow?"
Ryan asked.
I nodded and sniffled.
"Good night, Becca"
Chaz reminded me that I had spent an hour on the sidewalk.
I shut the door and went to my room. The first thing I did was cry on my bed. Justin wouldn't want me to, but I couldn't keep it in.
I didn't get any sleep last night. I cried and cried until there were no more tears to be shed. The tears may be out, but I still whimpered. I can't sleep, eat, think at all. The only thing I want is Justin. I would run away, but there's nothing to run away from now. The pain is in my head, which means it follows me everywhere. My phone buzzed, and I answered it. It was a FaceTime call.
"Becca, damn, it's so great to see you"
Justin appeared from the other side of my phone. He was smiling.
"H-hey Justin"
I sniffled, trying to hide the fact that I was crying.
"Baby, are you crying?"
Justin's expression turned sad. I shrugged.
"Aw, don't cry, bae. It'll get better"
He looked like he was hurt.
"I know"
I lied and dried my face.
"Well, face timing is a lot like talking face to face"
He shrugged.
I smiled weakly.
"So what are your plans for today?"
He flipped his hair.
I narrowed my eyes.
"Nothing? Baby, you need to get out of the house. Spend time with Ryan and Chaz. Don't stay bored all day"
Justin gave me a wink as he messed with the camera.
"I won't"
I giggled slightly at his cuteness. It was a lie.
He fixed his hair using the camera.
"What about you?"
I questioned.
"Eh, I've got a few interviews, I gotta practice, I gotta work on a music video, then plan for the tour"
He sounded too tired to do all that.
I cracked a small smile.
"Yea, it's pretty busy over here"
He sighed in tiredness.
"I miss you"
I mumbled loud enough for him to hear through the phone.
"I miss you too, babe"
Justin frowned and gave me a look of grief.
"It's so lonely here without you"
I played with my hair, signaling that I was distressed.
"Same here"
He narrowed his eyes.
"Everything's boring"
I sighed in lonesome.
"I love you"
Justin smiled.
"I love you too"
I couldn't get myself to smile. It hurt too much.
"I gotta go, babe. I'll contact you as soon as I can"
He seemed upset to go. So was I.
I fake smiled.
"See you later, babygirl"
He waved.
"See you later"
I waved back until the call ended. I tossed my phone aside and whimpered in pain, emotional pain. I was so lonely here. There's no way I can make it through a whole 2 years without Justin. It's impossible for me.

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