Chapter 4

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Now here we are. Just to skip the boring details, they both ordered a smoothie. Alastor got blueberry-banana and Angel Dust got mango-pineapple. Now here we are. Both of them sitting outside enjoying their drinks. "Are you excited?" Angel asked, breaking the silence. "Yes!" Alastor exclaimed. Angel Dust noticed that Alastor was then also squirming. "I can tell." Angel Dust then replied, smirking. "Thank you so much~!" Alastor cooed. He then sat in Angel's lap. "Uh-Al." Angel Dust said as he started to blush. "Oui Mon cher?" Alastor said as he booped the other's 'nose'. "Mind telling me why ya in my lap?" Angel Dust asked, confused. "Fait pas une esquandal~" Alastor cooed. "Can ya stop talking in Cajun?" Angel Dust asked, now annoyed. "Co faire? Boude'~?" Alastor teased. 

"Alastor." Angel sighed. "Can you please stop. I don't know what ya saying." Angel finished. He knew that usually after saying please, Alastor stopped what he was doing. For Angel Dust that is. "Aw. Okay. But I'll have you know that I was having fun with it." Alastor pouted.  "Yeah. I can tell." Angel snorted. "Oh come on! Don't give me that look! Uh... Will this make you feel better?" Alastor asked. Angel Dust was confused, so, he turned to face the Radio Demon. Next thing he knew, he was facing Alastor, who had his lips on his. Angel Dust turned bright red. 

"Alastor!" Angel Dust yelled. He was furious, yet...not...  But still! "So-Sorry?" Alastor sniffed. He was starting to cry.  Angel sighed. "Listen Al." He began. "You just can't fix everything with sex. And! Before you say something along the lines of 'Well I grew up doing that' You know it that that shit ain't cool. And please. I am begging you. Please do not ever do that to me again. Okay?" Angel Dust asked. "Okay. I'm sorry..." Alastor sniffed. He then started to cry again. "Oh no. Oh no. Please don't cry. I-I didn't-" Angel Dust was interrupted by Alastor hugging him. "It's not your fault.  I'm just a J'ai gros couer type man." Alastor said as he stopped crying.  Angel Dust kissed his head. "Come on. Let's go get Clara,huh?" Angel dust said as he kissed Alastor's forehead and stood up. He then held his hand out for the other, to hold onto. 


-Oui Mon cher- Yes, my love/darling.

-Fait pas une esquandal- Don't make such noise/shut up.

-Co faire? Boude'~?- Why? Angry?

-J'ai gros couer- to feel like crying/someone with a big heart, aka, crybaby.

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