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(Harry's point of view)

A loud thump sounds throughout the cabin, followed by a scream. I bolt upright and gasp as I look around the room in a panic. I grip the sides of the bed frame as I frantically search the room for any possible threat. When I finally realize there's nothing there, I sigh and sag forward on my mattress. I take multiple deep breaths before I recognize the sound of crying from below.

I look over the railing to see my roommate crouched in a ball on the floor with his head in his hands. He rocks back and forth on the ground, sobbing his heart out as he screams.

I throw my covers back and scoot to the end of the bed as fast as I can. I climb down the ladder three at a time and rush to the soldier's side. He thrashes on the ground and continues to yell as I pry at his arms. I pin him to the floor and shake him by his shoulders. He continues to thrash and cry out incoherent sentences as I shake him.

"Wake up!" I yell as I shake him as hard I can. He inhales loudly as his eyes snap open and he flies upward, knocking me backward. He pants as he looks around, and I scoot back, sitting down a few feet from him.

His eyes flash around the room rapidly as he breathes deeply over and over. His gaze finally settles on me, and he scans my entire body. I'm fully aware that I'm boxer clad compared to his uniformed tank top and pants. His cheeks tint a slight red as he looks back up at my face and he clears his throat before speaking.

"Thanks," he rasps out. I nod and continue to look at him. We stare at one another, three feet apart, for a few moments before I stand up and run my hands through my hair. He watches me climb back onto my bed and pull my picture from under my pillow. I climb down the ladder again and put the photo in my jacket pocket, resting on the nightstand.

The other soldier gets off the ground and starts to grab his gear. I pull my uniform back on, buttoning my shirt and lacing my boots. I grab my jacket and head towards the door. I spare a glance at the soldier before I turn the handle and step out the door.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and the cold nips at my nose as I step through the cabin door. The soldier's at my heels as I walk towards the large building we ate in yesterday. They're supposed to serve us another meal today, and then we get directions as to what we're supposed to be doing next. Almost every man here escaped an attack yesterday, almost all our regiments destroyed. We'll most likely be regrouped and reassigned positions and sent to various places to continue fighting. So I guess this might be our last real meal for a while.

We walk the entire way up the dirt path in silence, our footsteps in sync as we make our way to the large building. I hold the door open for the soldier and he nods as he passes me.

Inside the building, there are only a few soldiers sitting at tables. There can't be more than fifteen men. They have breakfast in front of them and they chat quietly as they eat. Three more men burst through the door behind me and they all walk straight to the kitchen. A line starts to form for food as more men start stumbling through the doors.

I start to head to the bathrooms instead, deciding my need to relieve myself is greater than my hunger. I turn and walk down a small hall to get to the bathroom, passing a few storage closets on my way.

I hear a crash from behind one of the doors and a whimpering cry. I freeze in front of the door and turn to stare at the wood. I wait for a moment, thinking I'm hearing things before another whimper sounds from behind the door.

I contemplate knocking, deciding it's the right thing to do. I knock twice, but there is no answer. I breathe in deeply before I turn the handle and open the door slowly. I'm met face to face with boxes of canned food and other random supplies.

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