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(Harry's point of view)

I was awoken by the sound of whimpers and soft cries. I opened my eyes confused and looked out the window. It was dark outside, and not a soul was moving. The cries got louder, and I recognized them to be Blue's.

I threw the blanket to the floor and raced to the ladder, climbing upward as fast as I could. When I reached the top, I crawled forward to the thrashing boy and gently laid my body down on top of his. I cradled his head in my hands and stroked his cheeks as his body stilled and his cries quieted.

"Blue? Shh love, you're alright. Come back to me. Open those beautiful eyes," I murmured quietly, until his fragile eyes found mine in the moonlight and tears started to roll down his cheeks.

I moved back and sat down, leaning my back against the wall before pulling his shaking body into my arms. His small limbs tucked into his chest and he curled to a ball as he leaned into my body. I wrapped him up tightly and let him cry, rocking him back and forth until his cries quieted and his tears stopped flowing. We stayed that way for a while before he turned into me and wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. He cuddled close to me and breathed in deeply, sighing into my neck. I nuzzled my nose into his hair slightly and hugged him tightly, reassuring him he was safe.

"Nightmare?" I asked softly. He nodded against my skin and shuffled in my lap. "I'm sorry love, you're safe. It's okay, I'm here with you. Don't be scared, I'll protect you," I murmured, gently brushing my lips against the soft skin of his shoulder.

He shuffled slightly again before yawning. "Tired," he mumbled and rubbed his eyes.

"Go back to sleep. You need your rest," I said as I set him back down on the bed. He pulled me with him as I laid him down and I fell onto my side. He scooted closer and cuddled into my chest, hiding his head under my chin.

"Warm," he cooed, and nuzzled as close as he could. I wrapped one arm around his waist and rested my head on the other. I kissed his head softly and pulled the covers over us both. "Stay," he mumbled.

"I'm not going anywhere Blue. I promise," I murmured. He hummed and cuddled closer, his breathing evening out. I pulled him as close as I could, falling asleep once again, assured he was safe.

What felt like seconds later, I jerked awake to the sound of a door slamming. The boy in my arms squirmed and sighed, once again falling asleep. I smiled softly and nuzzled my nose into his hair, pulling his body closer and closing my eyes.

I moved my hand up and down his back, kissing his head every so often. He looked absolutely beautiful and at peace. His soft hair slipping over his closed eyes, and his long lashes resting gently on his rosy cheeks. His delicate hands tucked into his chest, and small breathes escaping him and brushing against my skin as he slept. I leaned down and kissed his nose gently, reveling in the small frown that graced his beautiful features at the contact.

The moment was cut short when the door flew open again and an icy breeze drafted through the opening. I pulled the covers further over the boy as he shivered and held him closer. He nuzzled into my warmth as I stroked his hair gently.

My roommate coughed gently and I looked over the railing at him. He glanced at Blue's sleeping figure before looking back at me. "Training grounds," he said, "we're needed after breakfast."

I nodded and he closed the door again after he walked out. The slam of the door caused the boy in my arms to jump and his eyes to fly open. I cooed at his disoriented expression and shushed him. His eyes started to close again, and his head sunk forward as he started to fall asleep.

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