37: The Antidote

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Chapter 37: The Antidote

Another week past but all the higher ups begun to feel hopeless and helpless. Specially the Emperor who did not have enough sleep for almost two weeks. His health begun to get weak because of this. A lot of people in Noble Class died because of CSD so all of them are panicking.

The two brothers (Feng Zhengying and Feng Ming Li) was laughing to this epidemic event that turns the Capital into chaos. However, all of them was continuing to help normal people and tried their best not to leak these big information.

The people are all grateful to them but also because of their threat not the leak anything to the noble families that they are helping them, they felt scared. Even if this information is actually profitable specially if they sell this to rich family, they did not do it because they felt so scared to offend the number one powerhouse in the whole Da Country.

Zexel assure them that if they sealed their mouths, they will be safe but if they spill it out, they will experience the wrath of ZUGC up to nine generation.

The four of them are in the sub HQ in the place while they are surrounded by Zexel's subordinates. They all grinning like a maniac knowing that a huge money will enter their Company again by taking advantage the situation.

"So the plan it we will open a hospital to the Capital and control the situation? Then who will be main in charge to this business?" Feng Ming Li said.

"Since we had an antidote, we can let them buy it. And hospital is not the right term but a herbal medicine shop. We will make them pay in high price. The hospital will only be open after the epidemic event. Fan Yaoli, you'll handle it. I'll let you do the strategy and how you will manage this. It was one of your field right?" Zexel explain. Fan Yaoli just nodded and disappear like a bubble after just a second.

"The two of you, mobilise some of your man to protect the shop. It will be a chaos for the first day it will appear. People will fight just to have that antidote because it is the nature of people in the Capital specially in aristocratic family," Zexel explain and the two of them also disappear like a bubble.

"The rest try to acquire some information in other family if they will also take advantage these event. The others acquire information inside the palace. Inform our people inside specially to the hall and to the Emperor," the others disappear and Zexel went to the hospital. She was now making a lot of them discharge but before they manage to exit, Zexel again threaten them about the information.

Of course, normal people is not stupid to offend them. They might have a money but they will not enjoy it since they are sure that the people of ZUGC will hunt them. They will only stop if your head had been hang to the public area.

Alot of it happen before specially in the first year of their reign. But the Emperor can't do anything to them because he knows that once he attack, the ZUGC will force him to be dethrone and that was the last thing he wants to do.

The ZUGC people was a righteous people. They will not attack you unless you initiate attack. They merely take revengr to then so they can't find faults no matter how they dug or take an effort to find it.

ZUGC people it the most mysterious group in the whole DS country. They did not know who many higher ups they have because a lot of people with the same suit in higher ups was taking different fields.

No one even know that they are four since all of the are multi-talented.

There are also a case where some people before tried to make a replica of their suit but no one succeed since it is made by leather, they don't know what kind of material they use to make the clothes shiny and looks like a metal but to soft to call one.

Even their Helmets that they don't know the name and how did it made. If the suits can't replicate of course even their motorcycle, they can't even know how it was made and how did they manage to make it move.

Thats how powerful their Company is. No matter how they are jealous, they can't do anything but to stared at them with envy.


Meanwhile, Fan Yaoli immediately manage to acquire a shop near to the end of Capital. And in just an hour, she manage to decorate and put all the herbs inside with a seal.

All of them was first and second grade herbs and pills but she also place a limited third and fourth grade. They already had a business permission and it was also the reason why they delay the process.

Now that they have everything, Fan Yaoli change her appearance and open the shop. Just as he expected, on the first hour, no one gives them attention. But after she went outside and smile brightly looking for a patient, she found one and offer a tempting deal.

"Hey mister, I will offer you a great deal. I have an antidote here for the illness that already reach an alarming level. If you did not get healed after a minute, I'll pay you a 10 big gold but if you get healed, you'll pay me 1 big gold and spread to others what happen to you. That's my shop, you can look for me there," pointing to the Herbal Medicine Shop she just open.

The man was actually the only son of the formidable general. He had acquire the illness and his father immediately find a cure.

Now that a big offer came in his front, he immediately agree since he had 5 big gold in his pocket.

He eat the pill as if it was a candy and actually taste like candy. He chew it until he gulp the pill. Then a cooling sensation spread to his body from his stomach until he feels relax.

His exhaustion and fatigue fades as if its was not there. Even his appearance become more radiant and he just felt the comfortable sensation after eating the pill.



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