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In the morning, my sheets are wrapped around my body three different times. I couldn't be more tangled or constricted. The state of my bedding suggests that my sleep was restless, even if I don't recall any nightmares.

After lying in bed and staring at the ceiling for a while, I finally untangle myself. If I lay here any longer, I'll be late to meet Dayna. I feel hung over, and my head is pounding. The knife I leave next to my bed because that's where I'm keeping it from now on.

Maybe I'll get a gun.

I need to discover if and how this guy managed to enter my condo so that it never happens again.

What if last night was a trial run? What if I was so tired that I imagined I closed the doors but didn't?

I'm not convinced, so I decide to have a look at the roof. It's a long shot but it's the only way someone could enter my condo, other than the front door.

He could be Special Ops., FBI training.

It's possible but improbable. Why would he bother? I'm reading too many mystery novels. Whoever he is, he'd have to be extremely resourceful and highly dangerous if he can enter my home with ease. Rebecca is my only connection to discovering who he is and that connection may be thin if their meeting was a one-night stand.

According to my source, Rebecca should be home by six this evening. I'll watch her house to see who comes to call. If Mr. CEO stops by—as is his habit on Saturday evenings—I'll hopefully acquire some photographic insurance.

If Mr. Blue Eyes shows up, I'll follow him home, go through his garbage, or pull up property records to finally give him a name. There is power in knowing a name, and I need his. Digging through peoples' garbage is one of the less glamorous, but extremely effective, aspects of my job.

A thought occurs to me. Maybe he's married. That would go a long way to explain his anger issues.

Oh, the tangled webs we weave...

I rush out my door because I'm running late for the gym. When I turn from locking my door, I collide with Gabe, my incredibly attractive neighbor. Crap! We hit so hard that I fly backwards, landing on my ass in a most un-ladylike fashion. Running into him is like bouncing off a brick wall. He's been hiding something under those sports jackets. I had no idea he was so solid. I've been secretly crushing on him since he moved in six months ago.

"I'm so sorry! I should have been watching where I was going. Are you okay?" I ask, taking his offered hand. It feels warm and strong as he effortlessly pulls me to my feet.

"I'm not the one on the floor. I should be asking you that question."

Gabe has this way of looking at me so intensely, and with such a direct stare, that I always get nervous. It feels like I'm back in high school when he's around me. He makes good eye contact and seems rather...old school. Gabe has that studious look about him but he's undeniably attractive wearing his glasses and sport coat.

Our condos are on the same floor, so we do run into each other occasionally. Not literally. This was a first. I'm always too nervous to say anything clever or witty.

Snap out of it, Sam. He's staring at you, staring at him.

"Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for asking," I mumble, not knowing what else to say. "Okay, so have a great day, Gabe. Sorry about running into you like that. I'll try not to do that again." Babble, babble, babble.

I sound pathetic to my own ears. He smiles and pushes his glasses higher on his nose as he watches me. I wonder; does he know what he does to me?

Gabriel Devereaux is the picture-perfect vision of a college professor except for the fact that he's smoking hot. He has a newspaper tucked under his arm and a briefcase in his other hand.

RED NIGHT ~ VAMPIRE FILES TRILOGY (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now