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I might have been standing in that hallway for another five minutes trying to rationalize that kiss and what Gabe said to me, but the room has spun, and I realize I'm drunk. I guess it could have been that brush with death that caused me to ignore my usual drinking limits. And that little bombshell Gabe dropped on me has me wanting to unlearn what I now know.

How does Gabe know about vampires, and that Adam is one? My head is foggy, and I have too many unanswered questions floating around my brain at the moment.

I close and lock the door behind me as I walk into my condo carrying my shoes and handbag, my feet making a soft padded sound on the wood floor. I'm not surprised to see Adam standing at the patio doors, looking out into the night.

When I enter the room he doesn't turn from whatever it is he's watching. It's just as well. I probably shouldn't be looking at him right now. Especially when the room is swaying and I'm in need of a hug.

Tonight I feel the loss of my parents like a fresh wound. Just to hear their voices on the phone would have been enough to reassure me that everything will be all right. Tonight, I realize how alone I truly am. I could call Russell, but I don't want to risk dragging him into something that he knows nothing about. I wish I didn't know what I know. Would I rather be blissfully ignorant of these things? I don't have an answer to that question.

Instead of acknowledging Adam, I toss my shoes and purse on the floor by the closet and head to the kitchen to pour yet another glass of wine. I'm pretty sure the red liquid in this glass is the only reason I'm not a complete sobbing mess on the floor—yet.

Better to keep that Band-Aid on until sleep claims me. I'll deal with all my monsters better in the morning light.

With my liquid courage in hand, I walk over to the sofa and stretch out, setting my glass down on the coffee table carefully. This is me, not caring what I look like or who is around to see. I did almost die tonight. And according to Adam it would have been a slow, painful death at that. Chills crawl through my body, and I can't hide a shiver before curling into a ball on the couch.

Adam, as if sensing the change, pulls his gaze away from the darkness and walks over to me. He reaches past me for the throw that I keep on the sofa and covers me with it. I give him a weak smile, but, against my will, tears begin to fill my eyes. I hate crying, and I'm afraid he'll see it as weakness.

Adam reaches down and scoops me up as if I were light as a feather, and then sits with me cradled against his chest. My tears are silent as they roll down my face and land on his shirt. I don't resist him, and even wrap my arms around his back, as if he were a huge teddy bear.

Thinking of Adam as anything remotely harmless makes me giggle through my tears. He ignores this, and continues to stroke my hair and back in a soothing rhythm. There is an unspoken truce between us.

This physical contact is what I've needed ever since Zac laid his hands on me. Without words, Adam is telling me I'm safe in this moment. I'll take his comfort because I so desperately crave it right now.

After a few minutes of my sniffles and his silent comfort, I pull away and look at him shyly.

"Thanks for...that," I say as I untangle myself and crawl out of his arms.

It's hard to pull away, but I force myself to pick up the fragments of my dignity. He simply watches me, but says nothing.

This is uncharted territory for me. I think I'm more comfortable fighting with him than this. I don't know what this is, and it's starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

RED NIGHT ~ VAMPIRE FILES TRILOGY (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now