chapter 2

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The solos went by so quickly. Kingston, Summer, followed by the girl Jude had been talking to. All were amazing. Then, a couple of people who I didn't know. Their tricks were insane, and they had so much passion in their dance. I was getting more and more worried about my chances of making the team.

"Richelle, you're up," Emily called, and a new song started, as Richelle began her solo. And I'd never seen anything like it. She was an absolute powerhouse. Her movements were so crisp, so strong, and she was fierce and bold and incredible.

And then she went into an acro section, and ohmygod I didn't even know that some of those moves were possible. She was insane - so flexible, so sharp, so talented. I agreed with my friends that she was hands-down the best dancer on the team. There was no way she wouldn't make A Troupe.

Emily looked down at her clipboard again as applause rang out around the room. "Lena?"

Oh no. How in God's name was I going to follow that? I walked forwards, as Richelle moved back to the side of the room, making eye contact with me. We both looked at each other for a second, before I shook my head to clear my thoughts and took my place in the centre of the floor. And then the music started, and I put everything else to the back of my mind and just danced.

I didn't have the flexibility of Richelle, or the tricks of Henry. But I had technique and fire and I had to hope that it was enough to at least get me through to the next round. Fingers crossed.

My solo was going well, and I was really happy. I'd put so much work into it, and put in all my best moves. It was there to showcase what I could do, but also allow room for a little bit of personality, to show that I had some emotion in my movement as well. I was really proud of it. As the song went on, I put even more effort into my moves, smiling more and giving everything I had, putting all of my heart into this dance.

And then just like that, the dance was over, and I was completely out of breath but I could hear people clapping, and I knew I hadn't completely screwed up. I moved back to the edge of the room and Summer turned to me.

"That was incredible!"

"Thank you," I panted, pushing my baby hairs out of my face. "You were amazing too."

She smiled. "I'd love to make A Troupe with you. Our team would be unstoppable."

"Agreed," I laughed, feeling a warm kind of feeling inside. Because even if I didn't make the team, I'd made some great friends today already. If I was honest, I hadn't expected everyone here to be so nice. But they'd been amazing, and I knew that I would for sure see them again sometime, no matter what happened.

The solos continued, and the standard didn't drop once. Everyone who tried out was outstanding. Once the final person - someone called Amy - had finished, we all gave each other a big round of applause, as Emily and Nick resumed their places at the front of the room.

"I have to say, I'm impressed. Nick and I have some decisions to make. We'll return to you soon with the twenty names who've made it through to the next phase." They disappeared into an office, and we all exhaled collectively.

"Lena! Come meet Cleo," Jude said, waving me over. I walked over to her and the same dark-haired girl she'd spoken to before.

"Hiya. Nice to meet you. That solo was fire," she said.

I smiled. "Thank you! Yours was amazing too."

"Nervous about the decision?" Cleo asked Jude, who nodded. 

"Uh, yes. Obviously. Who knows what could happen?"

Cleo rolled her eyes and laughed. "Your solo was insane, too. You'll be just fine."

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