chapter 15

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Some time had passed since the female solo auditions. And, honestly? I was starting to feel okay with what had happened. 

Shocking, I know. When I'd first heard that Summer had gotten the solo spot over me, it had sort of felt like the end of the world. I'd spent a good deal of time wallowing in pity and devastation and tears. But, life goes on. There would be other chances to shine, and more opportunities to come my way in the future. I was still dance captain, and I was still going to lead The Next Step to a Nationals victory. It would all be okay. 

Besides, maybe Summer was the best hope we had for winning the female solo round. I'd sat in at one of her rehearsals with Emily the other day, and her routine was actually very impressive. If she kept this up, we'd be in with a real shot of gaining that all-important advantage. 

It was jarring how happy I felt at the moment. I was happy for Summer, and for Henry, of course. I was happy for Piper and Finn. And I was happy to be a part of this team. Maybe it was blind optimism, maybe it was complete denial of what was happening. Regardless, I was in a good mood for the first time in months, and I wasn't about to let it go to waste. 

This week was going to be a good one, I could feel it. 

There were a couple of exciting things in store - the first being the small group auditions. As dance captain, it was my responsibility to oversee everything, and even help Emily and Nick decide who would make the final cut. I was beyond ecstatic to finally prove myself as a leader, and remove any doubt from their minds as to whether I'd been the right pick for the job. 

And the second thing was that Noah was finally coming to visit. 

I wasn't even trying to pretend. I was so fucking excited, I couldn't contain myself. My best friend and I were going to reunite after months apart. I'd been looking forward to this moment for weeks. I was going to be able to hug Noah, and talk to him again, and see his face light up and his eyes crinkle the way they always did when he smiled. 

So, yeah. Oddly enough, life was good. 


Life was shit

I'd been feeling like garbage for a while now, and things didn't seem to be getting any better. I mean, the team had patched things up, and we were all on (relatively) good terms again. Things with Dylan were fine, I guess. Things with Richelle... well, they were something, anyway. My dreams - or rather, nightmares - had stopped, and I'd decided the best way to deal with that ache in my heart was to ignore it. 

Yeah, I was taking a leaf out of her book. But hey, it worked for Richelle. And so far, it was working for me. 

We didn't talk anymore, and if we did, it was on professional, dance-related terms only. And I was fine. I had Henry to talk to. And Jude, and Cleo. I didn't need Richelle. 

And she definitely didn't need me. She'd been thriving ever since we'd broken off whatever we had. Losing the Nationals solo to Summer seemed to have only made her stronger, more determined. It was like she hoovered up rejection and turned it into power. Storing it away for later. 

Losing a battle to win the war. That phrase always came in my head whenever I thought of Richelle. It matched her perfectly - she was strategic, cunning, and clever, but most of all she was driven to crush anyone who came in her way. No one stood a chance against her whirlwind of fury. She'd kill us all in the end.

Anyway, she was in a particularly good mood this week, as was Henry. The infamous Noah was arriving this week, on tour with some big ballet company. I was certainly curious to meet him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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