Letter from the Author

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Hello everyone,

First off, I'd just like to say thank you if you've taken to the time to read my story and especially if you've given it a vote. Every bit of support means so much, and I promise you part three is coming. Just not as quickly as some of you may hope.

Recently I was given an opportunity to participate in a short story competition to be featured in an anthology of fiction works. (For those of you who don't know what that is it, it is a short story collection.) While incredibly exciting, it has also taken over my priorities. I finished the first draft of it today, Feb 15th, and hope it will be ready by the deadline on the 29th. Should it not make it into the book, I will be posting it here as it has been a labor of love.

Once edits on my submission are finished I'll return to this story. Again thank you all for your support, and I'm forever grateful for your patience.

As always, stay magical,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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