Chapter Four - Phil

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Phil tugged at his collar, loosening his tie slightly so he reclaimed the ability to breathe with ease. The mirror before him reflected a young man with almost chin length black hair that had to be attacked with straighteners daily. Measuring 6,1 at a push, he was unusually tall, yet no different in height to his roommate, Dan, although, admittedly, with poorer posture than the latter. Phil smoothed down his suit trousers and rubbed his index finger along his lower eyelashes; wiping away the remains of sleep. He liked his eyes; large and azure blue, framed by dark lashes that were long enough to draw attention to his eyes, but not too long as to appear feminine. He took a step back, surveying his full reflection. Formal wear had been a given for an occasion like this, yet Phil couldn't help that wish the dress code had been something more casual; checked shirts and black skinny jeans would have been nice. The only positive to this outfit was that he had remembered Dan mentioning something before about 'almost being attracted to men that wore suits'. Of course, he was joking...Dan was always joking. He made an almost abnormal number of jokes about was possible that he had realised Phil's confusing feelings for him and was trying to make it clear that the feelings were not requited. Phil ran his thumb over the bulge of his mobile in his pocket, and considered texting Dan to suggest that they share rides to the premiere (Dan was staying with his parents for his mum's birthday) but realised, mere seconds later, that this would be absurd and that it would mean adding an additional two hours onto his route. He needed to overcome this need to be with Dan all of the was unhealthy, he knew that much. It wasn't even like Phil was gay...or bi...right? Phil shook this thought from his head and called Bryony. She picked up on the first ring.

"Where are you? We have to leave in a minute!"

"I'm at the checkout, I was asked for proof of ID" Bryony said proudly. As someone who was ever complaining about looking older than she was, it was nice for her to think that the shop owner had felt the necessity to ID her...even though she was only slightly older than 21 and therefore got carded in most stores anyway. 

"Hurry up then," Phil said with a smile that was carried over into the tone of his voice.

"I'll be there in five. Don't leave without me!" Bryony warned, before hanging up. Phil glanced up the hallway and laced up a pair of uncomfortable dress shoes. All was still in the apartment. Phil fumbled with the catch on the top drawer in a dresser that acted at storage for bills and the like, and carefully removed multiple photo frames wrapped in bubble wrap. Gently peeling off the first layer [SKIN FIC,, ANYONE?? ;)] Phil stepped back to survey the four photos. The first depicted him at Dan at that first party, six years ago, the first day they'd properly met. Phil could still recall that strange feeling of dread as he acknowledged the girl hanging onto Dan's arm (who he would later recognise to be Liz Howard, an old flame of Dan's) and assumed they were dating. He could remember that lump that had formed in his throat and the way his heart had done that flippy over thing and it had never really done that before [QUOTE TAKEN STRAIGHT FROM THE VALENTINES VIDEO AH]. Phil examined the photo more closely, feeling that familiar ache in his chest as he looked at Dan, trying to focus his eyes on Dan's face but knowing they would quickly stray lower...onto unexposed regions of Dan's body. 

"Phil?" Phil jumped and the photo dropped from his hand and smashed onto the floor, shards of glass spraying all over the carpet and sending a shooting pain up his leg. He refrained from swearing, a habit he had gotten into after discovering how many of his subscribers were aged twelve. 

"Are you alright?" Bryony asked, teetering over to Phil in high heels and a very floaty, but admittedly gorgeous, dark purple, spotted, dress. 

"Yeah, I'm okay thanks. You just scared me." Phil explained, giving a cute 'yelp' for emphasis. 


Phil noticed Dan the second he got out of the taxi for the Frankenweenie premiere. Dan had donned a sparkly bow tie that did nothing to curb Phil's indecent imagination. His suit was fitted and accentuated the width of his shoulders and his flat stomach. Phil hated that he wanted nothing more than to tear his best friend's clothes off and pin him down on the red carpet, whilst sexing him up ;)

           Dan shot him a shy smile as he neared Phil and clapped his hand awkwardly on the latter's shoulder.

"You chose a nice suit in the end," He complimented, letting his eyes travel down the length of Phil's person before, realising his eyes had lingered on Phil long enough, returning his gaze to the older boy's face. 

"Guess what I smuggled in here," He said with a wink, before producing around seven pez dispensers from his trouser pocket.

"We're gonna get pezzed off our tits." He exclaimed, laughter in his eyes. Phil couldn't help but smile; grabbing at Dan's pocket for the Mario pez. 

"Do you remember when I woke you up that one morning and said 'Mario'?" Phil asked, adopting a voice that sounded nothing like the italian plumber he was aiming for. 

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I shat myself." Dan said. He tugged at Phil's arm and Phil came willingly [trololol,, that wasn't even supposed to sound mildly suggestive]. The two boys walked along the red carpet together, in awe of the flashing lights and eager fans that had camped out all night for this one moment...a chance to see their idols in the flesh. They fully ignored the lot of youtubers as they sauntered past. Not that it mattered, of course. Phil was almost crying with excitement purely at the fact that Dan had linked their arms together and insisted on standing so close to Phil that they shared the same air. Now this, Phil liked. The film was over in what felt like mere moments, and Bryony, Alex and Carrie discussed every last little detail about the set, the lighting, the music...Dan and Phil shared a knowing look. It was at times like this that they sought refuge in each other, through the common interests they shared. The three movie nerds were great fun to be around, but when it came to the full metal alchemist, american horror story, and skyrim; they were lost, unlike Dan and Phil...well, maybe Phil wasn't exactly a die hard skyrim fan, but he enjoyed watching Dan play the game which surely got him at least ten manly points. 

"I'll meet you in the first store cupboard you find, in ten minutes." Dan leant over to whisper in Phil's ear, his breath tickling Phil's ear and sending shivers down his spine. Phil nodded, surprised at Dan's request but willing, all the same. He wondered down the brightly lit hallway, his feet sinking into the plush red carpet and portraits of famous actors and actresses watching his every move. The store cupboard lay a little way off from the main, public, section of the building. As Phil eased open the door and fumbled with the light switch, a hand swatted him away and dragged him further into the cupboard.

"Don't turn on the light." Dan demanded, thrusting a flickering flashlight at Phil and wrestling with the cork in a bottle of champagne. 

"What's the occasion?" Phil asked, referencing the expensive bottle.

"No occasion other than me needing to get pissed and shit myself laughing with my biffle." Dan said, as he poured two glasses and offered one to Phil.

"Here's to a night to remember," Phil toasted, holding his glass high above his head, as if by stretching his arm he was offering a bribe to God in return for one night of gay action with the other occupant of the room. Phil closed his eyes, squeezing them shut tight, desperate to block out the inappropriate thoughts.

"What's wrong?" Dan questioned. Phil shook his head.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

Phanfiction - AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfireحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن