🧡; Caught

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A seventeen-year-old girl disappears. Her family hears nothing for three months and now everyone assumes the worst. Reporter Wendy Tynes is on a mission to identify and bring down sexual predators via televised sting operations. Her latest target: a social worker known as a friend to troubled teens. As a community struggles to cope with the loss of the missing girl, and the predator who may have taken her, Wendy realises she can't trust her own instincts – or the motives of the people around her ...

☆☆☆☆☆ 5/5

It was hard not to get "caught" up in this novel (excuse my corny pun sorry not sorry). If you haven't read a Coben novel you're missing out. This guy can write books like no one's business. He is to mystery writing as Reba is to country music. Coben is one of the best, if not THE BEST mystery authors out there.

This book was another one of his that had twists and turns and at the very end knocks you back and does a one eighty and I FREAKING LOVE THAT!

In the beginning of this Dan Mercer goes to a house with a red door ... and after he opens it he can't shut it. His life spirals out of control as does everyone else's that is somewhat associated with him. Wendy Tynes, a high-profile reporter is who was behind that door ... she has something on Dan but Dan says he's innocent ... but is he?

From there, Harlan Coben takes you down a yellow brick road that even Dorothy would be confused on. Everything from scandals to murder, to a missing teenager that seems to have nothing to do with the plot, enters the story and it will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Harlan's books makes you want to sit down and read them and try as you might you can never figure out his ending, he ALWAYS throws you a curve ball. He's definitely one of my many favorite authors.

I will probably always recommend a Coben of you're a fan of mystery/thriller 🧡

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