Three Years From That Day

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Isla Nublar lay surrounded by a lulling ocean womb misted in ocean spray that lapped upon the cliffs and shores of the isle, causing the scent of salt to waft upon the wind and be carried adrift towards the tropical forests. It was just three years ago when Nublar witnessed the last drop of human blood soak her fertile soil. It was just three years ago when the Indominus Rex raged across her sacred lands, and turned Isla Nublar from an isle of peace, to an isle of death.

A characteristic fitting for one of the Five Deaths to dot the tropical seas-to house a creature so efficient as to harbinger death with such reckless and merciless gaiety, that it did not realize the swift abadement of its own life.

It was just three years ago when Blue and her siblings faced The White One.

It was just three years ago when the sisters flanked and slashed and overwhelmed the beast, and made its white scales turn red.

In the end, it was Echo that struck with such feral zeal that her killing claw gored out the beast's eye, and then gutted its throat open wide.

Delta watched with caution as The White One sputtered, faltered in stride, and fell to the ground, gasping and reeling for breath. It was as if she expected the Indominus to make a move, or to have one last plan of strike. But when she hit the ground, Delta realized she was wrong. The Indominus had nothing left to give. She had no more strength.

Charlie chittered anxiously, nervously, head warbling and claws tapping upon the ruined stone walkway of Jurassic World. She looked to her sisters for guidance-or perhaps reassurance. Her body was tense, and her posture unsure-perhaps even fearful. She did not know so much blood could escape such a large beast so quickly, hot and tasting of iron as it pooled around the pack's taloned feet. Charlie did not know there was so much blood in the Indominus. The scent of iron and the taste of metal upon her tongue in such large quantities was making her stomach churn and lurch. The green striped female wondered if her sisters were beginning to feel as ill as her?

Echo watched with golden eyes, scarred maw twisted into a sneer as she watched the aftermath of her strike. Her chest was puffed with pride, claws and talons flexing, as if to display her battle won trophy in the glistening of the moonlight. The female released a call in triumph, drunk on victory and pride as the yellow raptor began to trot around, claws clacking against the stone walkway of the park, silently gloating.

Blue looked upon the Indominus Rex, breath returning to her lungs and recovering from the heat of battle. She knew she shouldn't feel sorry for this beast. The White One tried to kill her. Kill her sisters. Kill her alpha. But Blue saw the look in the Indominus' remaining eye. She saw terror, and fear. And her heart ached upon hearing the gargled, desperate plea of The White One calling for help. Begging for help.

Blue knew she shouldn't have, but she did. Her sisters ignored the plea causing her, alone, to approach.

Blue approached, and shortly after, the Indominus slipped from the world, her blood soaking the soil of Nublar, as her victims' did before her.

That night was just three years ago. To Blue, it seemed even longer, for that was the last time she saw her alpha. Her human alpha.

It was hard to remember him. Remember Owen. Sometimes she did, but most of the times, she didn't.

Owen may as well have been from another lifetime ago.

Because in this lifetime, Blue and her sisters had a new alpha.


Her mate.

Their mate.

And the father of the developing eggs within Charlie's swollen belly.

Error: Code Catholicon (Male Utahraptor x Raptor Squad!)Where stories live. Discover now