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Later That Night

Today had been quite an eventful day, mostly because of the practical exam. The exam itself was not easy, but I managed to answer all of the questions right before the time was up. That in itself was more than enough for me to contemplate about, let alone all that happened earlier while I waited for the exam.

I was lying down on my bed, reading the last chapter of Ender's Game and feeling the refreshing air coming from the air conditioner. I gazed at the pages like a person gazing at the stars on a clear night sky. It was peaceful for me until I could feel several fingers tickling my legs as though there were spiders crawling on my skin.

I put my book down and looked at Sophie, who grinned at me nervously after she stopped tickling me.

"Sophie? Why did you tickle me?"

"I'm bored," Sophie lightly groaned. "That's why."

"Well, I got to tell you something, Sophie," I said.

Her face lightened up at that moment, and her eyes showed signs of curiosity.

"Is it that you like Minjun?"

I almost felt myself blushing at the mention of his name, but no, that cannot be a good sign on my part.

"No, not that," I chuckled. "I mean, Minjun invited us to his room for game night."

Her smile turned into a smirk. "Oh, does it include truth or dare?"

"Shut up, you'll see."

With that, Sophie and I left our room to go to Minjun's room, which was actually not far away from ours. From the boisterous laughs on the other side, I could tell that this room must be his.

I knocked on the door a few times before it was opened not long after.


Both of us were shocked before we realized that it was Youngjae.

"Hahaha, are you surprised?"

"Very," I answered plainly.

"We just got started, so come on in." Youngjae let the two of us in before he closed the door behind.

It was the same room I ran into yesterday, yet it was only now that I realized how spacious it was. Everything looked similar to what my room had, but instead of having two queen-sized beds, the room had a wrinkled king-sized bed. Then I saw Minjun, Baekhyun, and Bongju sitting on the carpet floor, playing an intense round of Cheat.

"Two threes," Baekhyun stated as he put two cards on the heap of cards in the middle.

"One king." Bongju declared, placing one card on the same pile.

"One ace," said Minjun before quietly muttering something to himself.

"Cheater," Bongju called out as soon as Minjun put his card on the top.

"What, no," Minjun protested.

"Tsk, wanna bet?" Bongju looked at Minjun with glaring eyes.

"Fine." Minjun flung his hands to the air before flipping the card, revealing the ace of hearts on it. Minjun turned his head to the back, only for him to face me as he simpered.

"Speaking of that, look who's here now."

"Hi, you look perfectly terrifying," I greeted Minjun wryly, earning a loud gasp from him.

"Terrifying? I'm so offended..." Minjun tightly grasped on the cloth that covered his chest. His eyes widened out of shock before they emitted their usual twinkles as he smirked once again.

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