Chapter 1: Library

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Narrative POV

It was a Friday meaning everyone would be hanging out at the library after school. Tanner, Skylar, Kaplan, and Aven signed up to stay after at the school library before going to the public library. Skylar and Aven left 8th period to meet up with Kaplan and Tanner. Skylar and Aven only saw Kaplan though. "Big surprise, he's late... again." Berry said. Skylar says, "It's predictable at this point." They all went into the library and sat down at their usual table. Tanner showed up deadass 10 minutes late to the library. Skylar said in a quiet voice to Aven , "See, this is what's gonna turn me into a lesbian." Tanner pretended he didn't hear. He gets jealous really easily and Skylar is his girlfriend. He had a feeling Skylar had a crush on Aven but tried to brush it off.

The late bell rang for all of them to go to the bus. Skylar sat down on the bus and Tanner tried to sit next to her but she stopped him. "Uh can I maybe sit next to Aven today?" She asked. "Oh... yeah of course." Tanner responded. Tanner was forced to sit next to kaplan. "ew." Kaplan said as Tanner sat down next to him. "Don't think I wanna sit next to you." Tanner said. Skylar and Aven hugged on the bus and Aven noticed Tanner's jealous look. Kaplan said, "They're just friends fag." Aven overheard and said, "Duh. It's just platonic affection." "What the fuck is a platonic?" Tanner asked angrily. Skylar responds, "It's like love but not in a boyfriend/ girlfriend way." Tanner rolled his eyes as he watched Skylar and Aven whispering and laughing. He wished Finn was on the bus with him.

They arrived at the library and Aven and Skylar set their bags down on chairs next to eachother. Kaplan sat down next to Skylar.

Tanner's POV

I walked into the library and saw Skylar and Aven sitting next to eachother. I felt a bit of jealousy going through my heart. I sat across from Skylar. The girls got up to go upstairs together. They took a while so I texted Skylar to ask where she was.

T: Did you guys leave?

S: no

T: Where are u guys?

S: We're dead. we're at the council with mozart.

T: nooo wait Jasons here?

S: mozart played the xylophone

T: You guys are gonna get killed by jeff the murdered smh

S: Are you yolking me?

Narrative POV

Skylar layed down on a giant rock behind the library. Aven topped her. They went back downstairs and noticed everyone was on the computers. The girls walked over to the boys on the computers and Skylar whispered into Kaplans ear, "Aven just topped me outside on a rock." Tanner overheard and felt jealousy coursing through him. It took over him and he finally shouted, "SKYLAR WE'RE DONE." "What do you mean fag?" Skylar asked. "I MEAN YOU'RE ALWAYS FLIRTING IN FRONT OF ME!" "Its platonic." Aven said. "I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FRENCH FRY ABOUT YOUR PLATONIC BULL HECC!" Tanner yelled.

Aven's POV

Skylar and I went to go sit on the other side of the room. I got a text from Finn aka my boyfriend.

F: I stumbled upon what you did with skylar

A: wdym

F: I think you know. im sorry but we're done.

I looked back up at skylar. "Lmao Finn just broke up with me." "Twinsies." she said.

Narative POV

Skylar and Aven leave the library. Tanner and Finn were having a sleepover that night to talk about what happened.

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