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USA panted, his vision growing blurrier. He couldn't stop running. He couldn't give in. If only this were up to military strength; sadly, there was so much more to this when it was his states fighting off outsiders. It became so much more real.

His states were defending him. USA mentally thanked them, wishing to say even a word to them. Staring at his reflection in a mirror at a dead end, he gazed at his flag. Star number 32 was gone. Minnesota. He thought of that one time he had gotten snowed in when staying with Minnesota just after Christmas; turning on the fire and eating stale reindeer cookies had been surprisingly enjoyable. Next, star 17. Ohio. Star 15. Kentucky's star began to flicker, not actually vanishing. The two had been really ticked off after a certain chain of raids during the Civil War, and had later on become close friends. He could feel a pulse of anger spread through him as states began to acknowledge their comrades' fates. It was becoming real to them. Star 14. Vermont. USA began to think of fluffy, syrup drenched pancakes. Star 50. Alaska. USA thought of the boys, aka Alaska's huskies. Screaming erupted in the hall. USA watched as Rhode Island's body was thrown so hard, when it hit a wall it fell to the ground limp. The man who had attacked his states walked up to Rhode Island and placed a heel on his head. Before he could put any pressure on the poor guy, a blurred mostly-blue shape ran at the man and shoved him off. Blurred? USA realized that his vision was becoming bad due to the rate he was losing states.

"EAT THIS, BITCH!" That had to have been Virginia. Another blue skinned state followed, kicking the mysterious man. "We should have never listened to you," New York yelled at him, kicking him again. A wail could be heard. Indiana's voice. USA followed it. He saw Indiana sitting by Ohio's body, crying into the dead state's chest. Beside him, Tennessee and West Virginia were trying to prevent Kentucky's wounds from killing him. Behind them, Iowa was quietly nursing a limp arm, as if hugging it would fix it. Wyoming was trying to convince her to let him see it. Hawaii rushed past USA, followed by Delaware and Michigan. They were heading towards the mysterious man, who had managed to land numerous good hits on Virginia and New York. Virginia stumbled backwards, bumping into a wall and using it for support. New York was refusing to lose balance. Blood dripped from the ceiling and onto USA's shoulder. USA looked up, and was shocked to see Minnesota hanging from the wall, a spear pierced through his stomach holding him up there. A scream rang out.

There went Montana.

Texas rushed over, followed by a bloodied and beaten Hawaii. "West Virginia, Indiana. You get Kentucky and Tennessee to safety." Texas ordered. Tennessee looked a little pissed. "Hell no! I'm staying to fight." "NO you're not! You can't even walk anymore." Texas snapped. USA suddenly noticed Tennessee only had one boot on, and that the foot without a boot was twisted almost all the way backwards. Gross. How on Earth does that happen from fighting indoors? Tennessee was about to argue again, but Hawaii just groaned, "we have no time!" and lifted him up, practically dragging him away despite his excuses. West Virginia picked up Kentucky with a little difficulty, so Indiana helped her.

"Go already, if he manages to kill you, then all of this would have been useless!" Virginia yelled. So USA followed the states who had left.

The Day He Vanished And What FollowedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz