Chapter One

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Tensions weren't too tough in the meeting room, not to everyone anyways. France gripped Britain's hand tightly. Britain could see it in her eyes, on her face.... Ever since America had gone missing, France had been worried for her son. Britain was only worried due to France's concerns. Most people simply assumed he was out on vacation, or was busy. The USA was a very busy person.

China stood at the front of the room, carrying on a debate with Japan, who sat towards the front of the table, over one thing or another... Who knows right now? Everyone in the room watched quietly as the two debated over pollution and better ways to control it. Germany took notes about what was said, Ethiopia stared out the window, Liechtenstein was whispering with Switzerland, Iceland was trying to figure out why they were arguing, and numerous others did things such as this quietly. No one wanted to stop the two countries, not at the pace in which they were conversing. Not many were too interested, either. Everything that was being spoken of was old news at this point. Nothing new could be derived from the discussion.

"At this rate, the meeting will end and we will not even leave with anything helpful," Liechtenstein whispered silently. Switzerland was about to agree with him when a quick, "look!" echoed through the room. China hushed Japan and pointed at the cracked meeting room door. Through it, they could see a single pale eye peeking through. Upon being spotted, it went away. Australia, who was near the door, stood up and opened it. "'Ey mate! We see you," he shouted. A door further down the hallway slammed. "Hey!" He ran off after the sound, shutting the door behind him. Hesitantly, a bored and fidgety Italy went to help. After a moment, China took a seat. Russia stood and began to discuss the next topic...

Things went smoothly, for the most part. Hours passed. Russia sat down. Mexico stood. Brazil objected to a point. Chile intervened. They sat down. Greece stood. Australia and Italy did not return. No one was too worried. Not until shouting became audible. Anxious due to America's disappearance, France stood and requested that someone stop the yelling. Privately wishing to impress France, Britain volunteered.

When Britain left the room, he saw Australia holding down a struggling figure. Italy was screaming because a taller, gentle lady... Well, she seemed gentle from behind. The lady was fist fighting him and winning, because an off-guard Italy had only offered to share his noodles :(

"STOP IT ALL OF YOU," Britain yelled, pulling the woman off of Italy. The lady turned to face him. He almost failed to recognize her. "...Hawaii?" 'Hawaii' looked confused. "Yeah, well I'm Australia and these two have explaining to do." Australia grumbled sarcastically, the man below him biting at Australia's arm. Hawaii looked at the man biting Australia. "Give up, friend... We have been caught." Her friend sighed, "ugh, you're just gonna let what happened to-" "Just listen to her, you bloody cunt." Australia stood. The friend got up, crossing his arms, "I ain't explaining shit." "Hawaii" must have agreed with that. "Come on friend." She grabbed his wrist, and started running off. Her friend snorted, "NOW you support me.." "Get back here," Australia began to chase them, pissed that the man who he had caught had escaped. However, Britain stopped him. "Huh?" Britain shook his head. "Australia... They are not worth it." "Fine." Australia stormed towards the meeting room. Italy knew better than that, though... He had seen Britain really go after someone before. "What was that about, hm?" Italy asked, his expression curious. Britain shrugged, and turned away. He walked back towards the meeting room. Italy, although very suspicious of why Britain would give up so quickly, didn't say a word.

Britain returned to his seat between France and Denmark. France leaned her head on his shoulder, beginning to fall asleep. This surprised Britain a bit, yet he said nothing. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her. The meeting continued on, and Britain was sure that everything would be okay.

Finally, the meeting ended once Taiwan finished her speech concerning wildlife in Asia. Countries scattered, some staying behind to converse with one another while others left in groups or alone. Russia watched Britain and France, mentally (although not obviously) aww'ing. He got Japan's attention by nudging her, and although at first she seemed disturbed, that changed when she saw Britain and France. Japan took a selfie catching the two in the background, along with South Korea, who was photo-bombing Japan's selfie on purpose. She ran off, satisfied. Cheeks burning, Britain woke France up. She sat up and looked over at him, smiling a bit. France jumped to her feet. "Come, Brit-wit." Britain stood, his mind swirling. 

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