Chapter Two

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Panama giggled at a joke, following The Bahamas out of the meeting. The two were about to attend a second meeting, in which North American, Central American, and South American countries and colonies were going to discuss possible locations of the USA. The Bahamas watched her laugh, smiling gently. Screw the meeting, this was where it's at. All that Bahamas needed was to make those with him happy. It was what made him truly satisfied. He could do it all day, everyday if they wished. That was what life seemed to want him to do, and he suited the purpose well despite good and bad. Panama linked arms with him. "Bahama-mama-mamamamama," she giggled more, unusually chatty today. Today would be a good day, she told herself. And so that is what it would be.

The two approached the next room over; well, they were about to. A voice called over to them in a hushed whisper from a door which seemed to go to a closet. "Hey, y-you....," it called out. Panama curiously looked into the closet, before getting pulled in by a gloved hand. Shrugging, The Bahamas followed. To their surprise, this was no closet by any means. This was a full out room!

A mysterious man stared at them, his flag pitch black with strips designed to look like lava-filled cracks all across his face with the acceptance of a white blob on his face, which somewhat resembled the mainland part of the USA, only some spots were missing from the USA shape. "Uh, excuse me! What do you need?" The Bahamas asked. Suddenly, he started screaming. Horrified, Panama backed up. The Bahamas fell to the ground, his shrieks becoming louder. Panama opened the door further, before shouting for help. "HELP! Someone!" The Bahamas crumpled, passing out due to pain. The mysterious man picked him up, a Bahamas shaped white blob appearing on the man's face.... Panama realized that the man was a growing map. She ran out of the room, screaming, her pain filled sobs and pleas reaching the ears of numerous others. "Panama!" Chile approached her. Her chest was rising and falling very quickly. Panama began to speak in fast-paced Spanish, stopping only to sob at intervals. Only able to understand bits and pieces of the chaos which was being spouted unclearly, Chile could only attempt to calm down her sudden panic attack. Suddenly, it increasingly got worse. Chile understood, suddenly, that Panama was struggling to breathe.

A panicked Costa Rica rushed towards them, panting. "Panama!! Panama, listen to me- listen!!" She seemed to need to calm down, as well. Panama quieted down, focusing on her neighbor's face. Costa Rica shook her head. "Panama, you cannot panic. Your country is under attack. They need you to remain calm! Hear me? Calm!" Panama looked uncertain. "What!? Who's attacking me?..." Costa Rica looked around. "We... We don't know. No country has claimed responsibility, and the race is uncertain. The language they are speaking is unknown, and... M-Maybe it's just a small rebellion?" Panama bit her lip, before deciding. "I know what's happening. I don't think I have much time. I saw him take The Bahamas!" Chile raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean him?" Panama started trembling. "Listen, he was tall and had black skin with reddish-orange streaks... He had a map of each country that has disappeared on his face- his flag. He is taking over the world! You can not let him know that you know he exists, or else he'll-" Panama started coughing, grabbing at her own throat. She wasn't able to breathe! "R-Ru-n-" she choked out. Taking this all very seriously, despite what Costa Rica wished, Chile led himself and Costa Rica away just as Panama requested. 

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