Chapter 12

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It has been an eternity since I have posted anything. So much has changed. forgive me if I am a bit rusty or I misspell something. I get it. Remember I am only human! This chapter is a bit short... I think. But I wish to say I MISSED YOU GUYS and I missed writing.

Again, if you do not agree with this fic.. you have the freedom TO NOT READ IT! You don't need to post about it or leave nasty comments.


Cerulean eyes stared into the dark lenses of the Eight-tailed jinchuuriki. A smirk plastered onto the face of the blond sage.

Up above the two demon containers, Itachi and Konan watched what just transpired before them in utter shock and disbelief. Konan's head whipped around to stare into the Uchiha's eyes.

"Did you know about this?" Konan growled at him.

Itachi did not particularly like the way Konan essentially accused him of knowing what the world's most unpredictable ninja was going to do. How annoying.

Suddenly a noise was heard behind the two of the rogues. Both quickly twisted around to take on a would-be attacker. Slowly from the dark tunnel, the other member of their little squad revealed herself from dark tunnel. The other two relaxed at the identification of the friendly.

Konan's jaw then dropped at what Mia was doing.

"What are you doing?" Konan almost screamed out.

Reaching in, Mia removed more chips to pop into her mouth. "It was at the entrance in a nice basket waiting to be eaten." She then continued to eat.

Konan slapped her head with her hand while shaking her head.

"We are trying to recruit him to our cause at the cost of our lives and you just decided to stop and eat part of his lunch?" Konan's logic was sound. Itachi mentally agreed with her but infamously remained silent.

"What? I'm hungry."

Itachi rolled his eyes and turned back to the about to brawl demon containers. "You're always hungry."

"How do you think Naruto is going to get the Hachibi on our side?" It was a question that hung over the small group of rogues, yet, of course, only Mia had the care or uncaring to ask.

Konan sighed lightly. No matter what Naruto was planning on doing, she imagined she was going to have to verbally chew him out later.

Down below, the two demon containers continued their staring contest. Even though it was slight, Naruto noticed the small twitching muscles on the man's face. He knew the strange glasses wearing dark man was communicating with Eight Tails. Jinchuriki only secret.

Naruto was getting a bit impatient, wanting to just lash out and get this started. Yet, he grinned. The blond loved to start his fights with flare! Because of this he was on the receiving end of criticisms and some brutal berating from not just Konan in "mother mode", but the Kurama as well. Sometimes it was odd to be yelled at by someone who was stuck inside of you. Talk about hearing voices in your head.

I heard that. Speaking of the devil...

Shouldn't he have responded by now? Naruto and Kurama had discussed multiple reactions from the Eight Tailed container. Naruto was ready for any of them. Everything but no reaction. Irony at its best.

Suddenly, Careful Kit..

The Nine Tails was cut off when both beings felt a huge spike in chakra. Coming directly from the opposing jinchuriki. A large tentacle sprouted from the back of the dark skinned man and shot directly for Naruto. Instead of moving out of the way of getting tentacle-slapped, both jailor and jailor smirked.

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