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I woke up this morning feeling really weak and like i have no energy.

It should be the opposite since i didn't even go to bed that late. I usually go to bed really late and i'm all energised and ready to go but this doesn't make sense.

Oh well, i'll just have to push through today.

I'm taking you to school x

Holly ☠️
On one condition x

Flynn ⚓️
And what is that x

Bring the Aston x

Flynn ⚓️
Hell no. Not a chance
the amount of people
who will try to key it
or steal it x

Holly ☠️
fine then, i'll just have
to wait for a few weeks
then i'll get insured x

Flynn ⚓️
I guess you will x

"Holly!" my mom shouts from downstairs

"yeah?" i ask

I get no answer. What is it with moms when they shout you and you shout back and get no answer

"Holly!" she shouts again

"what?" i shout back

"Holly!" she shouts

this is ridiculous.

I clamber out of bed and make my way towards the bottom of the stairs

"what?" i snap looking down at my mom with her hands on her hips

"your missing school, the doc has an open appointment today and she can fit your last scan in today" she tells me

Holly ☠️
not coming to school, doctors
appointment x

Flynn ⚓️
Okay is everything alright? x

Holly ☠️
yeah just my last scan x

okay i'll just have to put
up with Ace, Ryder and
Issac on my own at school
and on the way x

Holly ☠️
Pick Jordan up instead x

Flynn ⚓️
I will do, i'm gonna need
all the support i can get x

3hours later

My mom and i are in the hospital, i haven't told her about the chills i've been getting. I don't want her to worry, that and i'm scared that it has come back.

We sit in the office waiting for the results from the scan. This morning the doc has done a scan, full
blood works just to be on the safe side.

"So how have you been doing Holly?" she asks

"alright but i have been feeling quite cold recently" i say

"has it been coming on suddenly or gradually?" she asks

"suddenly" i say

The girl with secrets حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن