Twenty One

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After hanging out with the theatre bitches for a few hours i'm now on a ski lift with Finn.

"Does Kelly know where you are?" He asks me as we board onto the ski lift

"i told her that i was going out for a walk, but she was busy with Oscar so i don't really know if she fully took in what i said but yeah" i say

I look out towards the mountains and sigh peacefully.

"so i have training tomorrow and my teammates from england are coming over here because next Wednesday we have a competition" Finn tells me

"you have other friends?" i say shocked and he laughs nudging me, "who's your friends?"

"Just my teammates and Nile Wilson he's on the junior GB team with me " he tells me

"no way! i watch his youtube videos, they got me through recovery!" i say and Finn laughs, " how have you been training then if your team is in over there?" i ask

"before we came back coach wrote me a plan, a dietary and training plan so i go off that" he tells me

"what about routines and stuff?" i ask

"One of the clubs old coaches moved here years before i came back. He's been coaching me for the last four years" he says and i nod

"That's so cool, god you're lucky" i tell him

"I am, I'm looking forward to spring break though, a rest" he tells me and i nod

"i'm so excited for spring break" i tell him

"so am i" he says "what are you going to do for it?"

"i don't know yet but i think Bella said something about her parents saying she can have friends over for the week in their beach house in San Diego so i might go there if my mom lets me leave but you know what shes like" i tell him and he smiles

"yeah she said something at lunch today, it should be fun, only one week to go" He says and my phone goes off to see a group facetime call from Bella.

"They want to do a group facetime call" Logan says looking at his phone.

"you'll know what they will be like" i sigh

"yeah" he tells me as i pick up my phone

"let's get this over with" i tell Finn and he accepts the facetime call

I watch as everyone's faces float around the screen.

"Where's Holly?" Bella asks "i couldn't get a hold of her

"She went out" Jordan says

"so did Finn" Ryder says

"we're here" Finn tells them

"ayyyy!" Ryder shouts with a big smile on his face joining the call

"wait is holly with you Finn?" Freya asks

"yeah i'm here" i say moving over and making myself visible

"what's going on here? where even are you?" Ellie asks

"we're on a ski lift" i say

"why?" Ace asks

"why not" Finn and i say together and we both laugh

I glance back to the screen and see everyone smirking at us.

"anyway what's with the facetime call?" i ask

"Right so my parents said that the beach house is all ours for a week after friday so ask your parents if you can go" Bella says

"Well my moms here now actually" Isaac says


"not now Issac the dog just did a shit on my new carpet" i hear Kelly say and we all laugh

"i just asked my mom and said that we can go" jordan says and i nod

"cool" i say

I see Ryder run back into the screen panting and i chuckle, "we can go... i asked dad"

"Good" Finn says

"Holly and i can go" Jordan says

"So Holly and Finn whats the deal between you both?" something but i hang up and sigh.

"As much as i love them, boy are they annoying" i say and he laughs

"Tell me about it" he says

"so my friend who does backflips for a living, how did you find pe?" i ask

"it was... eventful" he says

"i know you hid at the back of the class whilst Ryder and Jordan did the high school musical dance" i say and we laugh

"at least i did stuff" he tells me

"yeah to be fair Ace and Issac just snuck out soon as she said improv" i say and we laugh again

"you did the flips though, at least you can incorporate some of the gymnastics" i tell him and he nods

"Veronica was fuming" He says and i laugh

"i know it was amazing" i say "i do think i out do it a bit though"

"well i know what's that's like, you can get carried away" he says and i nod

"yeah, i'm gonna take it easy for the next few days" I tell him

"good" he says and i bite my lip looking away

I need to stop biting my lip, it's a bad habit.

"So my girl who does music-slash- dance- slash-singing- slash- acting for a living" he says and i laugh "i bet Veronica is fuming, did you see her face when she found out you were miss national soloist"

"i know! she was so shocked" i say and Finn helps me off the ski lift

I touch the ground and my body feels heavy but at the same time my legs feel light, as if I can't feel them and walk a few steps before i stumble.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks me

"yeah, just a bit dizzy" i say

"here have some water" he says handing me a bottle

I'm about to take it but i feel myself falling and my vision fades to darkness.

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