Chapter 31

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... when his lips finally met mine.

The moment they touched, I felt like the world was spinning around me and I instantly closed my eyes and savoured the feeling of his lips against mine. My hands found their way to his hair and his found their way to my waist as he pulled me impossibily close.

After kissing for God knows how long I pulled away from him because I was out of breath, but somehow he continued kissing my jaw and then assaulted my neck and my bare shoulder, leaving one-two hickeys in the process but because I was in the daze, I couldn't register it. After some time his mouth captured mine again and this one left me as breathless as the last one, more if not less.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to kiss you", he said while he rested his forehead against mine. I just blushed and closed my eyes.

"And you look cute while blushing", if possible I turned even more red at that compliment. I lightly shoved him and quickly dashed towards the bathroom.

As I got out of the shower, I realised I did a mistake. Yes, you guessed it right, I FORGOT TO GET MY CLOTHES! Omg! Kill me!

"Need anything, wifey?", Arjun asked me from behind the door. I wanted to bang my head. This is embarrassing.

"No!", I cried out.

"Ok, so I guess you don't need your clothes", I was gaping at the door like a fish. He knew! Urgh!!

"Urmm.. well you see, I actually do need them, could you... could you fetch them for me", I asked as I stood near the door.

"Yes of course, with this excuse I'll get to see your sexy night wear and ...", He said and I heard retreating footsteps and after a whole minute did I realise what he meant and I quickly walked out of the bathroom in just my towel and realised that either ways I was dead.

Because, my husband here hadn't moved at all and was just standing there with a smirk on his face. I gulped as I looked at him only to result in his smirk getting even more wide. Urghh!!

He took one step ahead and I took one step back. We continued like this until my back hit the bathroom door and he was in front of me. He had caged me between the door and himself. This was an all to familiar feeling. Him caging me between himself and the walls or the doors.

His face adorned a mischievous smile. His hands were on either side of my head as he leaned close.

"Hmmm... Now that I think of it, you should forget your clothes daily, this way, I would see my wifey in nothing but a towel", he said huskily as he stood chest to chest against me. I was breathing heavily. This was like a habit now. Him backing me against the wall. Me breathing heavily. Him advancing to do something. But getting interrupted.

He let one of his hand trail from my face to my shoulder and back to my face where he tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear, which erupted a shiver from me and he smirked knowing the effect he has on me. He already knows he has an effect on me, yet why does he have to do this to me every time.

"A-Arjun, w-we will g-get late f-for today, g-go and take a sh-shower", I stuttered, but he only seemed to lean close.

"Would you be angry if I kissed you?"

I stared at him, unable to say anything.

"I don't care, I'll deal with it later", he said before capturing my lips with his.

My knees would've buckled underneath me, if not for his arm around my waist. His arm secured me against him as we kissed.

My hand made their way to his hair as I tugged his hair and my toes curled at the sensation his kiss was giving me.

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