Chapter 50

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As I twisted the knob and entered the room, my whole world froze and tears welled in my eyes. So many machines were attached to him. He looked so pale in the hospital gown. I took small steps towards him and sank in the chair that was besides the bed. His right hand was in a cast. His ankle had been severely sprained. He had bandages in so many places.

I shakily took his left hand in mine and held onto it as I cried. Kissing his ring finger as I cried.

"You said, if I kiss where you're hurting, it will stop hurting", I said as I sobbed "do I kiss where you're hurt? Will it mean you're going to wake up? Will it mean things will be normal?", I said as I sobbed harder.

I let one of my hand trace his face. The heart monitor beeped a little faster. I traced his busted lips, his swollen right cheek, his bandage on his forehead. It was difficult to see him. Like a lifeless body. Everything screamed dead about him if not for the beeping of the heart monitor.

"I didn't even get to say the words", I sniffled,"you confessed when I was drunk, I never got to say those words, oh God Arjun, I am so sorry", I cried out.

"Please wake up soon", I pleaded helplessly. I just rested my head against my hands and closed my eyes as I continued crying.

"This wasn't supposed to happen! You weren't supposed to get in an accident! You were supposed to come home, we were supposed to eat and sleep! You weren't supposed to be in coma", I said softly as tears trailed down my cheeks. Even though I was exhausted, I couldn't control the tears.

My heart ached as I stared at his hand in mine. As I stared at the ring.

"You promised to never leave me, look at you now, how will I go back to my normal life without your presence, please wake up from the coma and tell me that it's just a joke, that you are just messing up with me Arjun! Please... It's going to be difficult, god knows how long you're going to be in coma, I can't handle it! I was punished once already Arjun! I was away from you for four years, I don't want to be away from you anymore, not when we're finally married. I don't know what I did to deserve this punishment god, but please don't do this. I can't handle this, I ca-can't do this"

"Wake up for mom if not for me Arjun, for dad even for Natasha, just open your eyes and tell me that it's ok, that you aren't really in coma", I gasped out.

I cried myself to sleep that night.


The door opened and I jerked awake, for almost a moment I had forgotten about his accident but when I looked at my hands that clutched onto his lifeless hand, the realisation hit me like bricks. I knew I was about to cry again but I controlled my emotions and morphed my face into a blank look.

"Tanvi", mom said softly.

"I guess it's the best if you go home and take a shower"

"No, I'm not going anywhere, not until he wakes up"

"You can't stay here without a shower", mom scolded me, "god knows how long it will take for him to wake up, atleast you should listen to me", mom was about to cry.

"But, I "

"You can come back, after you take a shower and Yashvi is worried about you, just go home, take a shower, reassure them and come back", she said as she hugged me. I blinked my teary eyes and nodded my head.

I went near Arjun, kissed his forehead and I promised him to come back later.


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