Flash meets Venom

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Summary: Flash bothers the wrong person in the wrong moment with the wrong words. Cue to Venom trying to eat him.


Peter was not having a good day. He had gotten detention after he arrived fifteen minutes late to school because a mugger decided I'd be a great time to rob a woman, and he had an enormous stack of homework due the next day. And, to make matters worse, Flash was being a pain in the ass.

'Just let me eat him,' a foreign voice in his mind that Peter knew as Venom said.

"Nope. Not gonna happen." Some students around him stared when he said this, but who wouldn't when he was apparently talking alone?

"New level unlocked!" Flash exclaimed from behind him. "You're now even more of a freak. Who would have thought it possible?"

'If you won't let me kill him then at least fight back, don't let him damage our pride!'

"No, Venom. I won't do anything to him." He had tried to speak a little bit quieter, but it apparently wasn't enough.

"Puny Penis Parker, get out of here before you infect us all with your insanity and stupidity! You're a parasite!"

"Oh, no," dread filled Peter's eyes, "you shouldn't have said that."

Peter's eyes turned completely black as Venom took control.

"I am not a parasite." The voice was like nothing any of the students had ever heard, and not Peter's for sure.

"What are you?" the bully asked cautiously. Venom stood up in one fast and swift moment, making the desks and chairs around him all fall down and clank as they reached the floor. The sound was strangely ominous as it resonated on the silent classroom.

"We are Venom." Black goo started covering all the injuries Flash had caused throughout the day before disappearing and leaving him without a single scratch. "And you shouldn't have messed with us." Venom lunged towards the boy, who was trying to escape by running to the corner of the classroom where the rest of the students were shielding.

Eugene, being his usual stupid self, tripped. Venom took this to his advantage and gripped the boy tightly with his big black hand extending from Peter's human arm. He opened his mouth wide and was just about to rip off the boy's head when he stopped and twitched his head to the side ever so slightly, as if he was listening to someone.

"But I wanna eat him," the alien complained. "I know you forbid me but hey, the secret's already out, might as well just kill him." Flash shuddered, still hanging from the beast's fist. Venom let out what would probably be described as a sigh were he a normal human being. He opened his fist and dropped the scared teen to the floor. "It's your lucky day, boy, Peter won't let me end you... But if you touch us-" again he paused- "anyone one more time, I won't pay attention to any of his pleas."

Venom's black eyes were replaced by the usual innocent big doe brown eyes. Peter was back.

Feeling tired and defeated, Peter turned to the desk behind him, picking it up effortlessly and placing it again where it belonged. He gave up whatever act he had going on about being weak and just picked up the disorder Venom had made. He repeated the process with the remaining desks as his classmates slowly made their way back to their places.

The teacher re-entered the classroom, having left to look for some copies.

"I hope you all behaved accordingly," she said with a small smile. If the class was eerily silent after that, she didn't notice.

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