Can I please get a waffle (with cinnamon)?

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Summary: You thought the no-cinnamon-for-Peter situation couldn't get worse? You're wrong because according to the encyclopedia of jmfkfnojnndkhkk... just read the chapter

Tw: food and refusal to eat.


"Let's tell each other secrets about ourselves. I'm gonna go first. I hate you," Peter said as he stared blankly at the med bay's wall and gripped the cast in his arm.

"I don't blame you," Bruce said while touching his head, which ached because of a mild concussion.

"At least you haven't eaten cinnamon," Clint said happily from his place in a bed, with a leg in a splint.

Tony sighed, looking down to the arm sling he had on and then at everyone else, who were in a similar state. "Drop it."



The room was silent as Nick Fury strolled in looking frustrated.

"I wake up and, first thing I know, Earth Mightiest Heroes are already at war. Mind telling me why you all incapacitated yourselves?"

Peter hesitantly raised his hand. "I wanted cinnamon," he said with a small voice and a little guilty smile.

Fury facepalmed. He didn't even try to cover it, he just plain facepalmed.

"I hate all of you."

"That's what I said, too."

There was a moment of silence in which Fury rethought all his life choices.

"So, what are we gonna do about this?" SHIELD's director asked the Avengers.

"What exactly are you talking about? The fact that Peter here wants to do something so disturbing or the mess that we made out of the world after our little fight?" Bucky asked.

"About you all being idiots," the man replied. "Not you, Peter, you're an angel and we're thrilled to have you here."

No one questioned Fury. Peter smiled sheepishly.

"Then tell these idiots that they need to let the kid eat his cinnamon," Bruce said.

"Then tell these idiots that we can't let Peter do such thing," Clint countered, looking at Fury.

"Could you stop?" Fury snapped. "Look, you're making him cry! Come here, Pete." The dark-skinned man opened his arms at the crying teenager.

"They- they don't let me eat it, Uncle Fury," he said sadly. Fury glared at the entire team while gently stroking Peter's hair, with the kid's head in his chest.

"I know, Peter, but I'm gonna fix that," he soothed. "Right now," he added, looking at the Avengers menacingly once again.


Fury tried.

He had given the team an hour-long lecture about Peter's happiness, but there was nothing that could be said that would change what puppy eyes hadn't.

For that reason, right after the meeting ended, Peter locked himself in his room.

The Avengers were surprised when Peter didn't come out during dinner. They left him alone after knocking in his door and getting no results. They figured he had just fallen asleep.

But then, the following day, Peter didn't leave his room during the morning, and he wasn't a person who normally slept in. With some concern building up, they tried to get him out, but silence remained constant on the other side of the door. Friday's assurance that the kid was inside and safe was the only thing keeping them from breaking down the door.

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