18. Sleeves Rolled Up

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just kiss her - concorde

"Being in giant churches with serial killer priests makes me want to sin," Prentiss stated as she, Morgan, Reid, and I walked out of Christ Church, leaving the local PD to deal with the aftermath of the case. Morgan let out a wry laugh. The unsub has killed himself, but only after declaring that we were all living in sin and damned to Hell, etc.

"I'm not kidding," Prentiss said darkly.

"It's only 5 p.m.," I replied, "A little early for sinning." We made our way toward Morgan's borrowed car.

"By the time we pack up and fly back, it'll be about nine. We could go out," she said. I looked at Morgan, who shrugged.

"I'm down," he said. He walked around to the driver's side and slid in.

"Me too," I said. I turned to Reid, "You?"
He started to shake his head but Morgan interrupted him.

"You're going." Reid gave me a pleading look as he opened the back door but I just smiled cheekily and climbed in.

"Cmon, Spencer, it'll be fun," I said to Reid on the flight home.

"I don't really like clubbing," Reid said. He drummed his fingers on the table absently.
"I don't think I should go."

"It's just a bar. Please? I'll be lonely without you." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. He contemplated me, took a deep breath in and sighed.

"You'll have Morgan and Prentiss," he countered.

"You know for a fact that Morgan is going to ditch us as soon as possible. And Emily will find some guy too. We can stay together and watch them make a fool of themselves," I promised.

He groaned but I took that as a sign of victory on my part.

"Yay! It'll be fun, I promise."

"Touchdown in 5," Rossi alerted us.

"Are you going home to change?" Prentiss asked when we were back at the bullpen.

"Yeah, I need to shower. It's so hot."

"Yeah, me too. I can pick you up at your place if you want and take you to the bar." She slung her go-bag over her shoulder.

"Yes, please!"

"I'll text you when I'm close!"

It really was hot. Too hot. I slipped out of the shower, and, after drying off, into a black dress. The satin felt good against my skin. I hope I was overdressed. The neckline was actually relatively conservative and it ended around the middle of my thigh. But it was definitely tight.
Ten minutes later, I wiped a circle in the foggy mirror and considered myself. I pushed my blow-dried hair in front of my shoulder, swiped on some mascara and lipgloss, and shrugged. On the countertop, my phone buzzed.

Prentiss: Two minutes

I grabbed my phone, keys, and credit card and chucked them in a small handbag. Black high heels, not too tall, were my shoes of choice. When I opened the front door, I saw Morgan's car out front. I hadn't anticipated everyone to be there, but sure enough, Prentiss waved from the passenger side and I could see Reid in the back.

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