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all i ask - adele

For as long as I lived, no sound would ever inspire within me the same utter loathing as that of my morning alarm. Every time it shrieked me awake my blood curdled. I pried my eyes open long enough to grab my phone and turn off the alarm, then I put it back in the bedside table. I stared at the ceiling, unwilling and possibly unable to get up, but my mindless internal dialogue was interrupted by another noise from my phone. Goddamn technology. Without adjusting my gaze I grabbed my phone again. This time it was a phone call. From JJ. Quickly, I picked up.

"Hey, JJ, what's up?" I asked. Beside me, Reid perked his head up. His hair was all over the place. The familiar voice told me there was a pressing case and that that morning's meeting had been moved up by an hour. Typical.

"New case?" I asked.

"No, it's the same unsub in D.C. Looks like Zapel wasn't our man after all," she said wearily. Jesus.

"Okay, we'll see you at the office," I said, trying to blink the sleep out of my eyes.

"We?" JJ asked. Yikes.

"Me. Just me. I'll see you there," I corrected quickly. Probably a little too quickly. I stood up and arched my back, trying to coax blood into my extremities and into my lethargic brain.

"D.C.'s killer is back. We've got to be there an hour early," I told Spencer. You want breakfast? I have... I don't know. Cereal, maybe." He let out a light chuckle.

"I'm good."

"Suit yourself. We've got time to get there. The meeting's not for forty-five minutes." Reid's phone, on the ground next to the bed, rang loudly.

"That'll be JJ," I remarked. Spencer picked up and said, "Hey, JJ," just to prove my point. Leaving him to talk to her, I wandered into the kitchen. I didn't heed my own breakfast advice, opting inside to grab a granola bar and chuck it in my go-bag. Not a minute later, Reid emerged.

"I always wondered what order JJ called us in," I said.


"I could have predicted her calling, though. The night before I joined the BAU was my last night of real sleep," I mused, not even looking at him. I grabbed a hair tie off the kitchen counter and put my hair in a ponytail.


"Is that coffee place with the neon sign open this early?"

"Maya, I'm trying to say something." I froze, took a deep breath, and turned slowly to face him.

"I think we should keep this professional. Between us," he said in a measured tone, almost rehearsed. Had he practiced this, practice telling me he didn't want me?

I couldn't think about that. I stood on the backs on the balls of my feet and pressed my lips to him. He put his hands on my waist but pulled back. Fuck, he pulled back. My breath caught.


It's over, is what he was trying to say.

"I know," I said. I looked up at him. His face was sympathetic, almost pitiful. I didn't need his pity.

"One last time, okay?" I told him. I said it with a smile, though behind my ribs I felt a weird pain, like my heart was abandoning my body, dissolving into nothing. Reid didn't say anything else, so I kissed him. He kissed me back.

Some people joke that breakup sex is so good, it's worth ending a relationship for. Spencer and I weren't in a relationship, not really, so what we were doing was hardly breakup sex. But god, it was good. His hands found every inch of my skin, my chest, my waist, my thighs. I kissed him harder than I ever had before.

In one swift motion, he lifted me on the counter. I slid off my panties while he unbuttoned his pants. Moments later, he was inside me.

"Fuck, Maya," he breathed into my ear. I kissed his neck, stopping to suck on the place right above his collarbone. That would definitely leave a mark. Oh well, I thought wryly. Reid moved in strong strokes and I hooked my legs around his waist, pulling him in every time he thrust into me. With one hand he rubbed my clit in gentle circles and I moaned into his name into his neck. I arched on his cock as my orgasm shook me, my hands digging into his back. He followed soon after, mumbling incoherently.

When it was over, we separated with some awkwardness.

"I'll, uh, I'll see you at the office," I told him, which was to say goodbye. He nodded, but didn't but meet my eyes.

Great, now we had to go to work. I went into the bathroom to clean up, fix my hair. By the time I stepped out a few minutes later, he was gone. I had to get going too. Our... whatever it was had nixed any chance of me grabbing coffee before the meeting. Instead, I double-checked that I had everything (keys, phone, bag) and hopped in the car.

I arrived at the tarmac just in time. Everyone there greeted me drowsily, Reid included, as if he hadn't seen me fifteen minutes before.

"Davis, you'll never believe it," Morgan said, "Kid Genius is wearing the same clothes as last night. And he's got a suspicious red mark on his neck. What could that indicate?"

"I don't know, Nancy Drew," I said, "He forgot to do his laundry and burning himself with his curling iron?" Prentiss, who looked like a walking zombie, let out a wry laugh. The steps up to the jet were almost in place.

"So Zapel wasn't our guy after all?" I asked, desperate for a change of subject

"No, but it turns out he was found guilty of a whole list of other crimes. He might know something," Rossi said.

"Let's just hope we get it right this time. I hate the thought of more girls dying because we locked up the dirtbag," Prentiss added.

"There's something we missed," Reid asserted in response. I caught his eye by accident and quickly looked away. The plane was ready to go and Hotch waved us on.

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