Chapter 3 The train

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As I approached the wall I felt a sudden urge to run away. The voice in my head was telling me that I may never come back from that wall. Then the voice was overtaken by my grandfather's voice calling "Be brave Jeremiah. Do not let anything hold you back." Those were his last words to me before he died in my arms. I felt my eyes tearing up. I tend not to dwell on the past so I wiped my tears off my face. I focused on the wall in front of me. Then I felt a touch on my back. I swiftly swiveled to lock eyes with the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. Her long silver hair matched her light blue eyes. She wore hemmed jeans and a simple t-shirt. "Hello, Are you going to platform nine and three quarters too?"she asked with a smile that made me want to kiss her instantly. Baffled, I stumbled over my words, "y-yes" I replied. "Maybe we could go together?" She asked in a sweet voice that nobody could say no to. "Sure" I responded, regaining my confidence. For a moment our hands touched and I felt like we were the only two in the whole wide world. "Come on" she said as she ran straight into the wall with confidence. "My name is Jeremiah Jhonson" I offered after jumping through the wall myself. "I'm Helen Hackenmiller." She responded. "Let's board the train" she started walking towards the train. I was too caught up in my short conversation with Helen to notice how amazing of a place I was in. It was a large train station filled with wizards and witches of all ages. The train had dozens of cars, stretching what seemed like miles. The front was black with a red stripe around it, adorned with gold letters that read Hogwarts Express. After soaking it all in, I ran to catch up to Helen.
"All aboard Hogwarts students" the conductor called as I sat down in a seat across from Helen. The long train had 2 cabins on each side in each car. Each cabin consisted of two padded benches across from each other. The doors slid open, and a tall kid stepped through. He had pale skin and piercing grey eyes. He had slicked back blonde hair. "There you are Helen." The tall kid said. "I've been looking all over for you." He said to Helen. "This is my boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy." My heart melted like ice. "Come on Helen. Let's leave this looser alone." He said as they rushed off. I was left in shock. She seemed so nice. I almost thought she was flirting with me. Then he came along. I swore vengeance on him. Suddenly, the door opened again, waking me of my miserable state. The kid in the doorway looked like he could do a couple rounds with Chuck Norris and make it out alive. His red hair and green eyes gave him a look of confidence. He was tall enough to be in the NBA and could probably be in the MMA to. "Do you mind?" He asked, "Everywhere else is full."
"No, not at all." I responded. "I'm Pirithous Pompeii. But all my friends call me pewee" the boy said. This nickname made no sense to me because he was the exact opposite of pewee. "I'm Jeremiah. Did you see Helen?" I asked. "Who, the veela?" He responded. "What is a veela" I asked. "They are beautiful creatures that can make you fall in love with them at first sight." He responded. "Yeah, I saw that Malfoy boy snogging her." This made me stick to my stomach. "Anything off the trolley?" An old woman called from the hallway. Pewee held up a bag containing a mushed up sandwich. "I'm all set" he called. I fished in my pockets and found a gold coin left over from Diagon alley. I walked up to the trolley and said, "I'll take all this will buy me." I handed her the coin. She dumped a handful of assorted goods into my outstretched hands. "Thank you" I called after her as she left. After returning to my seat I opened a box marked chocolate frogs. I opened the box and a brown frog jumped on my face. "Grab it! Grab it!" Pewee screamed with joy. The frog hopped onto the window as pewee lurched at where the frog used to be. He collided full force with me sending a white hot pain through my body, that faded to a dull throbbing pain. "Sorry" Pewee apologized. "At least you still have the card." He pulled out a card with a picture of an old man with a long wrinkly beard that looked like he could pull a full sized meal out of. "You got Dumbledore. He was the old headmaster of Hogwarts." Pewee said. "My brother gave me a spell. Want to see it?" He asked. I nodded. "It's supposed to make portion sizes bigger." "Maybe they use that spell at McDonalds" I muttered to myself. he pulled out his wand, ready to go. The
door opened, breaking pewee's focus. The girl in the doorway wore a bright smile with red braces. Her dark brown hair matched the color of her glasses. "Have you seen a toad anywhere? A boy named Likhi Longbottom lost it." The girl said. We both shook our heads. "Are you trying to do magic?" She asked. Pewee was staring at her as if observing a rare species. I could tell that he had a crush on her immediately. "I'm Pirithous Pompeii. But you can call me pewee." He responded, flexing his muscles. "I'm Kimbrell Katsy. And you are?" She asked, nodding at me. "Jeremiah Johnson." I replied. "Pleasure. You boys better change into your robes. We will be arriving soon." Kimbrell said as she walked out the door. After changing into our dress robes, we exited the train and heard a burly man yell "Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here!"

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