Chapter 4 The Sorting

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Authors note: the sorting hat song is not mine. I got it from my IG contest for best sorting hat song.
"Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here!" The man said. "Come on Jeremiah." Pewee said. He was obviously from a long line of Hogwarts students. We followed the large man ,who introduced himself as Hagrid, to a lake with boats lining the shore. Pewee and I got in one with Scorpius Malfoy, alone. "Scorpius?" I asked. "I'm his brother." He responded, offended. "We are very different people" he said with disgust. He turned around with his hand outstretched. "I'm Marian Malfoy. But you can call me mars" He looked exactly like his brother. The only difference was that Mars was shorter. I shook his hand. "I'm Pirithous Pompeii, but you can call me pewee." Pewee introduced himself. "I'm Jeremiah Johnson. But you can call me Jeremiah." I replied. I decided not to judge this guy based on his brother. He seemed nice enough. "What is your blood status" Mars asked. "Pure-blood." Pewee responded. "And you are?" Marian asked "He is a muggle born." Pewee responded for me. I did not appreciate him answering for me, yet I was thankful because I really didn't know. "I hope we all get sorted into Gryffindor." Marian said as we got off the boat. I looked up gawked at a sight so amazing even pessimists couldn't complain. There was a castle towering above us that looked like it could touch the clouds. It was so tall and wide that it looked like it was held up by magic. Which, considering all that had happened recently, it probably was. "I wish I was a spider" I said out loud. At the word spider Marian shrieked and fell out the boat. I quickly explained that there wasn't a spider in the boat. "Why would you want to be a spider?" Marian asked. "So I would have eight eyes" I responded. We walked in humongous doors again. That must be a theme in the wizarding world. Wiered names and huge doors. Once I crossed the threshold my phone literally blew up in my pocket. "WHAT" I yelled. "There is a magical barrier around Hogwarts that does not let any modern technology in." An old lady told me. Her black hair contrasted her pale skin. She had green eyes like emeralds. She looked old enough to have lived through all the world wars. "I'm Minerva McGonagall. Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Follow me." She lead us up a long staircase to a hall leading to another large set of double doors. "Welcome to the sorting ceremony" headmistress McGonagall announced as she opened the doors. All heads turned towards us and I felt like puking. I usually don't get much attention. My jaw was starting to hurt from dropping too much. Add that to the list of wizard customs. Big doors, weird names, and jaw dropping sights. First of all there were floating lamps. They didn't even drip wax. Then there was the roof. It was painted like a bright blue sky with clouds... that moved. "I am professor Wilson. Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and head of Ravenclaw. Please come up when I call you." professor Wilson called from the front. She was tall with blonde hair. Her blue eyes and confident smile made her look wise, but young. She pulled out an old, brown, pointy hat. She leaned down and whispered something to the hat.
"Be you short or tall,

Large or small;

I am the hat

That is here to sort you all.

I am here to choose the table
Where you will be sat,

I am the Hogwarts Sorting Hat!

If you are academically able,

Hardworking, wise and smart,

Ravenclaw is where you fit the part.

If you are crafty and sly;

Always willing to reach for the sky:

Slytherin is where your loyalties lie.

If you are friendly, loyal and true;

Hufflepuff is the place for you.

If you are brave

And adventure is what you crave:

Gryffindor is the home of such a knave.

So put me on and meet your fate.

Make haste; don't be late.

Take care

And begin this adventure if you dare..."
The hat sung. A great cheer erupted from the great hall. I swear I saw the hat smiling. "Ariana Arian, please come to the front." professor Wilson called. She walked up to the front nervously. professor Wilson placed the hat on her head. The hat stayed still for awhile and I almost thought it was dead. Suddenly, it yelled "Hufflepuff" cheer erupted from their table as Ariana walked to the table and was brightly welcomed. I tuned myself out until I heard a name that I recognized. "Jeremiah Johnson" professor Wilson called out. I slowly got up and walked to the front. It was more of a wobble, actually. When I get really nervous or stressed my legs start wobbling. When I finally arrived at the front, my legs were having full on Spatz attacks. "Calm down" I scowled at my legs. professor Wilson placed the hat on my head. "Hmmm, I see great knowledge in here. You would do well in Ravenclaw." The hat whispered in my ear. Please be Gryffindor, please be Gryffindor. I thought. As if reading my thoughts it responded, "Gryffindor I see, are you sure?" The hat asked. I responded with a head nod. "Alright then. Gryffindor! The hat yelled. Cheer erupted from the Gryffindor table, and suddenly, my legs stopped wobbling. I walked to the table where they were all cheering. I sat down at the end of the table. "Welcome to Gryffindor" a girl sitting next to me said. She had black hair that flowed to her shoulders. She had a glowing hold badge that said prefect. "I'm Rose Roster " She introduced herself. "I'm Jeremiah Johnson" I said in response. "Kimbrell Katsy" professor Wilson exclaimed. I turned to face the front. Almost immediately, the hat said "Gryffindor." And she walked to words me and Rose. We introduced ourselves and instantly Rose and Kimbrell started talking about some sport called quidditch. "What is quidditch?" I asked curiously. They both gasped at me like a stranger. Suddenly the entire great hall let out a surprised gasp. We turned to look at the front. Marian Malfoy was sitting with the hat on his head. The Gryffindors erupted in cheers. Marian shot a look at Scorpius like "can't touch this." I saw him mouth some things to his brother that probably shouldn't be repeated as he swaggered over to the Gryffindor table. "I'm Marian Malfoy but you can call me mars." He said to Kimbrell and Rose. they were too much in shock to speak. "Why are you so surprised?" I asked. He seemed like a nice guy so I didn't see why he couldn't be in Gryffindor. "B-B-but every single Malfoy to ever come through Hogwarts have been in Slytherin." Kimbrell said. Mars's face darkened at the mention of his family. "I ran away when I was 10." Mars responded shamefully. He looked like he was on the edge of tears. He recovered and quickly changed the subject. "Did you hear about the guy who got his whole left side cut off?" He asked. We all winced then shook our heads. "Well, he is all right now." We All exploded in laughter. Mars's expression was still sappy, though. I could tell he was trying to hide the painful memory with laughter. Just then I heard "Pirithous Pompeii." Followed by an immediate "Gryffindor" Pewee walked over to us and asked what we were laughing at. We all pointed at Mars. "Did you hear about the guy who got his whole left side cut off? He is all right now." Mars repeated After laughing so hard he almost needed CPR, pewee introduced himself. Soon, McGonagall returned to the podium. "Our previous defense against the dark arts teacher mysteriously disappeared. Until we can find a replacement, I am pleased to present to you your new defense against the dark arts teacher, Harry potter."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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