The Awakening

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My blood is rushing through my head to the point I have a headache, palms sweaty and adrenaline spiking as I follow the path to the top of the cliff on jelly legs. Walking in behind the others, like me, who are to go through the ceremony at the highest point of the full moon. I'm breathless, fighting the nausea and internal shaking of fear as I watch where I step, a little too closely, and almost collide with the girl in front of me, staggering sideways and kicking stones in my path accidentally to avoid her.

"Watch where you are going, reject!" The growl of one of our accompanying mentors hits me in the side of the face as he leans in close and shoves me back in line, harshly. Hard enough to send me crashing into the rock face, we are brushing up against and I almost hit the ground with the force, coughing out a whimper of pain. I catch myself, right my body quickly and skip two steps to catch up and get back in line while rubbing my bruised arm and shoulder from the collision. Trying not to look his way, knowing if I do, he will probably smack me in the face for showing zero respect to a superior.

He's called Raymond and he's around twenty-four. One of the Alpha sons main pack who runs with him , one of Santo's, and he hates anything to do with us. Another superior wolf from a pure bloodline who sees us as an inconvenience and unworthy to breathe his air. This is the reality of my life and how little value I have in this hierarchy. Reject is the name for all of us, like we don't have separate identities anymore and I can't wait to be free of these people and this life.

"Halt!" A booming low and gravelly voice ahead of us stops us all in our tracks as we come to the level top of the cliff known as 'shadow rock'. It's more of a large plateau than a rock but the sun never seems to lay its light and warmth in this nook of the mountain and yet it gives us a direct and uninterrupted view of the moon every night. It's been the point of this ceremony for hundreds of years. We're here.

I pull myself past the girl in front of me and come to her side to see the familiar scene before us. Stomach churning with the knowledge it's happening. The ceremonial set up of flares and burning fires at points near the ledge all the way around the curve of this large platform. The centre of the clearing marked out with ceremonial symbols in chalk and a large set of circles surround them, one for each of those who are to awaken. I shudder inside as reality hits home that this is really it and I have nowhere to hide.

"Clothes off here and put these on" blankets are thrust into our arms by a tall muscular Santo, looking down at us with almost black eyes as he snarls his contempt. Probably annoyed that they even allow my kind to go through this like everyone else does. Walking past as he dishes them out and I am aware that many have gathered around the ledges above us and on the edges of the clearing to watch this. All the packs are here already, and right in the middle stands Juan Santo and his immediates. His second in command, his third and his son, Colton. The ceremonial Shaman in full dress is standing with his staff awaiting the start of his duties. Something he could do with his eyes closed.

I don't wait to question the order, eyes down , nerves frayed but get to it. I know the drill. I throw it around my shoulders to conceal my body as best I can, the same as the others and we quickly strip down inside our coverings with haste.

Transforming rips your clothes to shreds so being naked is the best way to deal with it. Afterwards we will be able to get dressed again, but for now, this itchy brown old blanket is all I have to cover my modesty. Not that anyone cares. Nudity among wolves is common and not something they actually stare at. So many turn at the blink of an eye and come walking back in human form with no covering. It's another sign of weakness to be body shy and hide if you have to come home without your clothes.

Obviously, the Alpha types walk around in the nude without any worries, being they are physically perfect. The only time it's an issue , if a mate is being ogled by someone who isn't hers. Males are territorial, jealous and aggressively unpredictable when mated up so its not uncommon for regular testosterone fights over looking at each other's woman. It's kind of basic and primal and another reason I won't miss being part of a pack. We are animals by nature and humans would be disturbed by what is normal among us.

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