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You grunt and growl, trying to snap your legs shut, but he doesn't listen. The other male hadn't raped you, he doesn't need to investigate, but it seems he needs to know for sure.

Thrusting your legs back open, he presses his nose to your groin. You twitch with a little giggle at the tickle of hot air as he sniffs at you. Gently, he pushes his finger inside you, then pulls it back out. He sniffs at it, squints, then pops it in his mouth. The wrinkles in his forehead relax.

'Told you,' you say.

But he's not done yet. Grabbing you around the hips, he flips you over and starts sniffing through your hair, down your back and along the crack of your arse. He spreads you open, then releases you with a grunt.

He pulls away and you roll back onto your back.

You have a headache. It thuds behind your eyes. You're still numb and in a daze as you try your best to take it all in. Nothing makes sense anymore. The world seems so different. You're so different.

What's happened to cause such a sudden shift? Is it from the trauma of your almost rape? Is it from the horror of seeing such a terrible death? Or is it simply because you've spent so much time with him it's only inevitable that something has finally switched in your brain?

You're not you anymore. You're someone or something else.

Now that it's stopped raining, he returns to marking his territory. You watch him, studying the big muscles in his shoulders and the graceful arch in his back; the tight cheeks of his arse. The backs of his thighs are hard and taut. He's so strong-looking that you bet he could run down almost anything. As he turns, your eyes fall to his penis: the way he holds it, the way it looks in his hands. For reasons you can't understand, your mouth starts to water and your cheeks start to ache.

He gives it a final shake as he finishes with his task. He turns in surprise at the sound of a growl.

It takes you several moments before you realise it's you. You're growling. It doesn't shock you. It doesn't even concern you. How you suddenly know how to do it, you don't know. It doesn't matter. Nothing much matters anymore except what you want.

And you want him.

Your headache is gone. You're far from dazed, focused now. Your fingers curl into claws as you bare your teeth. The hair on your arms and legs stand up. Your growling deepens as he makes his approach. He's no longer flaccid between the legs. As he walks, it flicks from side to side, growing longer and thicker at every footstep. His eyes are bright. His mouth pulls into a half-snarl, half-grin.

Now he's growling too. Just like he and the other male had done earlier, you growl at each other. But this is not the same. This is something very different.

He joins you in the shelter. His wet hair sticks to his shoulders. His teeth are white between his snarling lips. The muscles in his abdomen tighten as he drops to his knees in front of you. When he reaches out, you swipe his hand away. When he reaches out again, you shove him against the chest. You're willing but he has to work for it. No more just lying there placidly with your legs spread open.

He lashes out for your arm and this time you're not quick enough. He grips your wrist tightly, so tightly you snarl in pain. You strike out with your other hand, clawing at his cheek. You draw blood. It doesn't faze him. All it does is turn his eyes brighter. With a roar, he snatches at your other wrist and throws you onto your back, pinning you to the ground. Then he's crawling over you. You thrash your head from side to side, growling and snarling but otherwise don't make any real move to stop him.

He weighs you down with his body. Releasing one of your wrists, he takes your chin. As you look into his eyes, the human part of you raises her head. You touch his cheek where you scratched him and give a small whine. Taking your hand, he licks at your palm. You giggle, then whine, then giggle again. He leans in close and soon you're lapping at each other's faces, then in each other's mouths.

As he shifts his groin against yours, you open your thighs. This is it. No more resisting. No more fear or confusion. That part of you is long gone.

Trust me, he growls.

The hard hot tip of his manhood nudges against your opening. He's having difficulty finding his way. As he grabs hold of himself to direct it better, you grab a hold of him too. Slowly, you ease him inside together. You hiss through gritted teeth at the sharp stab of pain. He growls back. Releasing him, you flatten yourself into the pelts as he continues to push his way inside. You wince. You grunt. You arch your back. The pain only worsens as he swells bigger and pushes deeper.

Finally there's no more of you or him left. He grabs your head, looking into your eyes. 'Hurt?' he says.

You nod.

With a whine, he nuzzles at your neck. Then he begins to rock, pushing his way even deeper inside you. Pushing. Withdrawing. Pushing. Withdrawing. At each thrust you grunt and wince. Grabbing onto his arse, you claw your nails hard into his cheeks. In some dangerous part of your soul, you want him to hurt the way you're hurting. He doesn't notice. So you turn to his ear.

He jerks back his head with a growl, but when he sees the pain in your face, lowers his head back down, letting you gnaw at him.

He thrusts harder, you gnaw harder, until you're both grunting and growling and snarling in both pain and pleasure. He's close to the end now. You know because there's another sharp sting as he fills you up completely. He jerks, grunts, slams his hips against you.

Then it's over. With a groan, he gives a full-body shudder. You even feel it inside you, a wild pulsing that makes you gasp in surprise.

Panting, elbows braced against the ground, he looks down at you. His lips are all twisted up. A big vein throbs in the middle of his forehead. Blood drips down the side of his neck from his mauled ear.

The pain slowly eases and you begin to relax. You gaze back up at him.

'Good,' he says.

'Good,' you say back, reaching up to drag your fingers through his beard.

Smiling, he leans in to nuzzle your ear. You're still connected. You can still feel him inside you but not for long. Like an uncoiling rope, he simply falls out of you. His seed follows in a warm, wet gush. When you look down at each other, you're both glistening with your blood.

With a little whine, he pulls down between your legs.

Unnatural Instinct: Blood RunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon