Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I only own the main character Diana Jackson. All other characters belong to Rick Riordan.

It's been three weeks since her parents left their safe haven to complete a deadly quest. Here in her quiet home is Diana. She had just gotten home from school when the phone started to ring. It's quite uncommon for the phone to ring at all since phones are just too dangerous to use for modern demigods. But it didn't stop so slowly she steered herself away from the window and walked to the kitchen counter. Before she picked up the phone she read the caller ID, only to find that it was from an unknown caller.

"Hello?"she answered.

"Meet me at the Field of Mars."

"Wait, why?" She waited for a reply only to hear the beep which signaled that the

a mysterious caller had hung up. Since she tends to have a curious mind, Diana left the house and headed for the Fields of Mars.

She walked down the main road in New Rome, past the old looking villas and red brick houses. New Rome is a safe place for all demigods, magicians, Greeks, Romans, and Vikings. Ever since the Greeks and Romans established peace 20 years ago, New Rome has expanded. Now magic has allowed a city of people to live in between Oakley and Berkeley Hills.

Ahead of her glowed the barrier of the Promerian Line which is the magical barrier that won't allow any weapons into the city. She reached the border and continued. Athena rarely visited and when she did, it was for a good reason. She ran past the cohorts and into the dirty field. The gateway into the field was, of course, a dirt archway.

"Granddaughter. I'm so glad you made it." said Athena as she stood in front of the ten-foot trench that borders the field.

"Athena, what are you doing here?" Diana was suspicious that this might have been a prank from one of the Mercury kids. They do things like this a lot. Yet, she could feel the energy of Athena before her. Though it was tinted with worry, making her agitated.

Athena locked her stormy grey eyes with Diana's misty sea green eyes. When she looked away, Diana found she was no longer in the Field of Mars, but a cozy library. On her left stood a tall floor to ceiling bookcase filled with old dusty scrolls and books. To her right are two velvet plush sofas and a lit fireplace. On the wall in front of her is an enormous map that covers the whole entire section of the wall. It was covered with pins and string.

"Wow," she couldn't help but express her thoughts in one simple word.

Athena walked to the sofas and sat down on the one closest to the flames, she swept her hands over the other one, gesturing for Diana to sit. Sadly, Diana didn't get the message and continued to stand there.

"I mean for you to sit," Athena said at last.

"Oh, I-I knew that," muttered Diana, as she walked over to the other sofa.

When she sat down on the sofa, Athena waved her hand over the coffee table that separates the two sofas. Food faded onto the table, there were luscious cream filled cakes and two cups of tea with a bowl of sugar. The sugar in the bowl separated into two groups and drifted off two each cup. The cakes hopped, literally, onto small plates and flew towards Diana's hand. She slowly picked up her cake and took a bite. She was surprised that the cake tasted delicious and not only did it taste good, it cleansed her mind and she was able to focus on everything that was around her. Athena finished eating her cake and took a sip of her tea. Diana did the same only to realize the tea acted like nectar, but not only did it make her feel energized, it made her feel relaxed and content.

Athena leaned forward, "Diana, do you know what has happened?"

Diana was glad that the tea had calmed her or she would've had a serious panic attack. She hadn't told anyone about her recent dreams. However, if she was to tell someone, Athena would be the right person, or goddess.

She took a deep breath and started. "I think I know what has happened. I've been having these dreams lately. It shows a large cave and hanging from the ceiling were big bundles. I also saw a mist image of New Rome, but the houses were burned down and everything was destroyed. Wait. . .is that going to happen soon?"

"If no one does anything, then yes, that will happen very soon." Athena sighed. "Now, to help you on your future encounters, I want to show you something."

She leaned forward and placed her index finger on Diana's forehead. Suddenly, Diana saw nothing, just swirls of grey. Then her foot landed on something hard and real. Her vision cleared and she was standing in a cavern, just like the one in her dreams.

On the ceiling hang bundles of what looked like silk. To Diana's horror the bundles had heads poking out of it, human heads. There was a smaller cave on one side of the cavern and a silk curtain hung on the entrance.

Standing next to her was Athena, she wore a weary expression. Diana met Athena's gaze and recognized one of the bundles. It was her mother! Annabeth's bundle was the only one moving. As was she the only one yelling curses at the cave, or whatever is inside the cave. Diana watched in horror as a ball of white hurtled towards her mother's face. The silk ball covered Annabeth's mouth to stop her from yelling or cursing.

"Watch your mouth, child." A raspy voice spoke from inside the cave. "My plan will be successful. Unlike last time, you can't trick me with your big mouth. All of your brethren will come here, eventually. They will try to stop me, and like you, they walk into a trap." The raspy voice continued cackling.

"Look closer, child. Next to the cave," suggested Athena. 

Diana looked past the cave and next to it she saw a cage embedded in the walls of the cavern. Someone was inside banging at the bars. She immediately recognized it as her father, Perseus Jackson. 

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