Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of Rick Riordan's character's. Just my OCs.

This chapter is dedicated to 123Crawford  **Thanks** ;)

The scene changed again. This time, she found herself back in Athena's library. Athena looked very alarmed.

"There's not a lot of time yet, but you will need this to survive." Athena stood and pointed at the map.

The map faded into a gold mist and flew straight towards Diana. Before she could even respond it entered her head. Whenever she blinked she saw that image, it really bothered her.

"Don't worry child. I just gave you the map, use it to your full extent and-"

The room shook. Cracks appeared on the walls. The fire sputtered and roared. Athena quickly rushed forward and raised her arms. A flash of light gushed out from her. Everything had slowed down. Diana looked around. The room shook, but slowly. It looked like someone had decided to put her vision in slow motion. The only thing not moving slowly was her grandmother. She was struggling to keep the time slowed down.

"Go find the Oracle of the Sibylline Books. Get your prophecy. You must go and save them. You have at most a week. At least six days. Try to convince as many gods as you can on your way. But beware, there's going to be a traitor in the group. Now, go." She let out a painful cry and Diana felt it too. It felt as if someone had hurled a brick at her head.

When her eyes opened she found herself laying in a field. She soon realized she had returned to the Field of Mars. She suddenly remembered her time with Athena and rubbed her head. But as Athena's warning repeated in her mind, she realized she had to do something quickly. Diana soon found herself running to her Uncle Tyson's bookstore. She dashed inside and found her cousin sitting behind the reception. Nutty, Tyson was still a bit obsessed with peanut butter, glanced over her book. Since Diana visited so much, Nutty always gave her the same greeting.

"Are you gonna chew out some books, today?" she asked with a chuckle.

"Where's Aunt Ella?" Diana asked, completely ignoring her cousin's lame jokes.

"She in the back, unpacking Mercury's recent delivery," replied Nutty.

"Okay, thanks," Diana muttered and rushed to the back of the bookstore. She had ever been to the back before, due to a big stack of books that covered half the doorway. She squished past the books and entered through the door. "Aunt Ella?" she called.

There were a few grunts and a stack of books collapsed. Ella was a harpy with red feathery hair and wings. Her head popped up in front of the pile of collapsed books. "Yes, dear?" she answered, trying to pull herself out of the pile.

Diana took a deep breath. "I need a prophecy," she said flatly.

Ella managed to climb out of the books, her complexion became pale when she heard prophecy and shook her head. "Sorry child, but it's too dangerous. Battles, wars, fights all are the results of prophecies. Why would you want to receive one, that's like committing sucuicide?" she rambled.

Diana hung her head low, she didn't want to tell Ella about her meeting with Athena. "If I don't do this, there might be more wars and battles. It's best I try to stop this early, before it's all too late," she replied.

Ella sighed, knowing that she was defeated. She pulled out a scroll from one on the bookcases. Ever since Hecate gave her the magic scroll, Tyson no longer needed to get tattoos. Ella mumbled to herself, scanning through the lines.

"Here it is child:

Follow the path of North Wind's blow

Power and strength can not show

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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