Partner in crime

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Lisa pov:

"Holy sh-"Jungkook
"Yeah I know"
"Do the rest know about this?"Jungkook
"No and they will NOT!"
"What why?"Jungkook
"Jungkook,dont you see what's going on?First of all,How did this girl get in here if this place is owned by the most powerful mafia's where there is high security, also,Dont you just feel like everyone's hiding something from you?Im even starting to question my friends...the people who work here must know something, and im gonna catch their little nasty asses"

"So we're detectives now?"Jungkook
"Pfft,who said I was doing it with you?"
"Um,I was the one being stalked,I know more than you"Jungkook
"Yeah and I was the one who almost died.Also...Logically I...Know more than you"

I heard him scoff

"Well im doing it with you,I dont want you to get hurt"Jungkook said which made me feel soft.
"Whatever just dont get in my way dweeb "

"Wait are we gonna tell your brother?"Jungkook
"Well,He did say that Jisoo was giving him weird looks and jennie kept running away from him...Hmm..Maybe we should just ask everyone if anything weird happened to them without telling them what we're doing"


"Why are you smiling like that?"
"Hmm I dont know..Its just nice to see you talking to me without calling me-"
"Could you shut your ass up so we can get going?Who knows someone could be spying on us right now"

We then went back to my room and grabbed some weapons

"Hol up,I need to change,turn around"
"We all know im not gonna do that"Jungkook


I then quickly grabbed an outfit

"Nice out-"Jungkook"Yeah lets go!"

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"Nice out-"Jungkook
"Yeah lets go!"

I then grabbed his arm and we entered the quiet halls.

It was dark and quiet making it even more creepy. Everyone should be asleep by now..

"Wait,What are we doing exactly?"He whispered.
"Sneaking out duh,I aint sleeping in this place"I whispered
"Then where are we going?"Jungkook
"You'll see,just follow me,and dont make a sound ,also,check if you see anyone following us"
"Now your freaking me out"Jungkook

We then silently walked to a secret exit I found on my way to Jisoo's room.

We finally got out and I ran as far as I could with Jungkook following me.

"Where are you going!?"Jungkook
"We need to get out of there if we are going to investigate, We will come back in the morning but I feel like its not safe to be there in the night "
"Well why are you still running?"Jungkook
"Are you dumb!?Who knows if someone saw us!?We gotta get away before anyone knows what we're doing"

After some time of running we finally arrived at the place.

"What's this?"Jungkook
"Lets just say its a place where you can stay all night,eat food,play video games,and many more,as you can see theres many young people here so its a friendly environment, We'll just sit by the food places and discuss okay?"
"If you say so.."Jungkook

We then walked over to the food and of course I had to order me some .

"So basically we are gonna go back there tomorrow, ask some people if they've experienced anything weird,and investigate those people?"Jungkook
"So how are we gonna investigate them?"Jungkook
"Well if what they say doesn't buy up ill just have to strangle them tie them up and torture them until they speak"
"You sure your not the psycho here?"Jungkook
"Hey im just tryna help our gang!This is serious and who knows if the leaders are aware of it!"
"Unless....They're behind it..."Jungkook

We both stared at each other with squinting eyes before bursting out laughing.

"Ha,but seriously tho, that's why we cant trust anyone who works there...not even my friends.."
"Altho maybe they have a different deal,the only thing they're doing is being weird with your brother,WAIT!You dont think your brother..."We both once again squinted our eyes towards eachother before bursting out laughing again

"Well.We'll find out soon...But right now im starving sooo..."


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