"𝐈 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮" (1)

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You're sitting on the couch from you living room studying for the final biology exam you have soon, while your friend Chrissie is out in town.

Suddenly, you see black in front of you eyes. You couldn't open them.

Silence. You were in a silence black room. You felt like someone was shacking you. Hard. Harder

You gasped. You were on the couch. Again. You thought something was off. Everything looked normal. You thought you were just tired, so you went into your room to sleep.

The night passed so easily. It was already morning. You turned on your left to see if the sun came out already.

You were very tried, you had a blurry vision. Not again. Your sleep schedule is off again.

You try to slightly open your eyes due to the lack of sleep you had and the strong rays of sun.

You face an asleep blond man.

"WHAT THE HELL?! Who are you?!" you screamed as loud as your lungs held.

He mumbled something.

"What?" you asked quitly.

"Mm..." G-get back to sleep Y/N".

"He knows my name." you said in your head. "It must be just a dream, right?" you still talking to yourself in your head.

"Uhm, okay, babe...?" you said cringing in the weird and embarassing situation you were put in.

He hugged you from behind and gave you a quick kiss on the neck.

You turned red. A stranger kissing you in your bed. You closed your eyes, hoping to fall asleep and later wake up from this dream on your couch.

You see black in front of your eyes again. Same silent dark room, yes, it was all a dream. You were waking up.

You gasped again. You were on the couch with your biology books in your lap. You turned your head towards the kitchen. Yes, the smell of Chrissie's burnt waffles. For once you were happy with that smell.

"Morning Y/N. How did you sleep?"

"Egh,let's not talk about it. What are you doing today?" you asked while taking a sip from your coffee.

"Eh, nothing much. Going shopping at a store this afternoon."

"Cool. Mind if I come, I'd like to get some new stuff."

"Of course!" said Chrissie excited.

"You know, you never go shopping with me and-..." and then Chrissie started telling you how you never buy clothes and stuff with her. You didn't listen to it.

around 15:00

You picked a cute outfit for today's shopping spree. A pair of blue flared jeans, a mustard-yellow striped zip up long sleeve top, a mint green over-sized jacket and a pair of high top white Vans.

Chrissie wore a white with flowers patern dress, a denim jacket over and some brown velvet spring boots with a bit of heel.


You arrived at the store.

"Kensington Market?" you asked clueless.

"Yes, it's a cool hippie, punk, vintage clothes store. Let's go!" said Chrissie grabbing your hand running inside

You entered one of the stalls which seemed to be Chrissie's favorite one.

You started looking around and found a cute top, which didn't seem like it was your size . A young, medium dark haired guy saw you needing some help, and went over to help you.

"Hey darling, need any help?"

"Uhm, yes actually. Do you have this in small?" you asked politely.

"Let me check in the back. I'm Freddie by the way, and I love your outfit, darling!" said Freddie with a big smile on his face.

"I'M Y/N, and thank you!" you said while noticing his extra teeth in the front. He seemed confident with them. You loved that.

"Meet you at the changing room number 3." said Freddie while going to get your size.

"Roger, darling, would you put this in the changing room number 3?" asked Freddie.

"Sure." said Roger.

You entered the changing room with other clothes, starting to try them on.

You took off your t-shirt, when the curtain opens, a long blond haired guy starts staring at you and blush.

"OH MY GOD!" you screamed, trying to close that curtain.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know there was someone there." said the guy on the other side of the curtain.

"Why didn't you ask?" you screamed.

"Freddie just told me to put it here, not to be careful that an almost naked chick is gonna be there."

Your face was getting more red by every second passing.

You got dressed up quick and left that changing room and stall leaving Chrissie behind.

"Hey, you forgot your jacket!" screamed Roger after you.

It started raining and you were trying to run through people to get home, when someone's hand touches your wrist, out of breath.

"Your jacket, Y/N."

You turned to face him, still blushing.

"How do you know my name?"

"It's written on the label."

"Oh." you said with a little smile.

"I'm Roger. And I'm truly sorry, I didn't mean to enter on you-"

Your clumsy self didn't let Roger finish the sentence because you slipped on the wet asphalt, landing in his arms.

You were so close to eachother. You could admire his big, beautiful baby blue eyes.

"I dreamed about you." you said confused to him.

He leaned in, smashing his warm soft lips on yours.

words count : 945
another short one, and im very sorry for uploading so late, was very busy and didnt have a lot of time to write. This part 1 of this" I Dreamed About You" chapter. I hope you'd like it :)
Have a nice day/after-noon/night, and Happy Easter!

 Compassion, sex and cigarretes - Reader x Roger Taylor StoryWhere stories live. Discover now