50 Dialogue Prompts 12

386 7 10

(551) "I see you riding the train everyday holding that journal and writing. You never look up until it's your time to get off. All I ask is why?"

(552) ""I regret everything. All of it. You, me, what we did..."

(553) "We have to tell somebody! I can't keep all of this to myself, it's too much."

(554) "I know most of the time I act like I don't care and all. But I do, a lot."

(555) "I gave her everything! Everything and she just left like it was nothing!"

(556) "I wish you would shut up for one second and let me fucking speak!"

(557) "At this point you can't trust anyone! You can't even trust yourself!"

(558) "I just need a way out of my head... I'll do anything for a way out of my head."

(559) "I wish I had no expectation of guys but I do and all of them are trash compared to Liam Payne."

(560) "I just want you, and your dog. And that's it."

(561) "Is there any chance we can, I don't know, go out some time?"

(562) "I fall apart when you're not around."

(563) "Wow, your face is beautiful."

(564) "Since when did (character) get hot?"

(565) "Okay we get it! You can sing good."

(566) "Not yet, it is not your time. Not yet! You hear me?"

(567) "Will you ever love me more than you love him?"

(568) "Back in high school we used to call you, slutty(character's last name)

(569) "I'm full and yet I know if I stop eating this I will regret it."

(570) "You didn't love me, you just didn't want to be alone. But I loved you and didn't want to be alone either."

(571) "We're adults. How did this happen? How do we make it stop?"

(572) "Some people think I'm unhappy, but I'm not. I just appreciate silence in a world that never stops talking."

(573) "Sharing a single strand of spaghetti is not romantic. Stop asking."

(574) "You have to trust me or else you may die."

(575) "Bohemian Rhapsody is probably the best song of all time." - "I can argue that," - "How about you don't."

(576) "Isn't it funny knowing that the love of your life had been with you picking flowers from a field when you were three?"

(577) "Let's go see a movie and gross out everyone around us."

(578) "Do you want to go watch the stars?"

(579) "How many times have I told you to clean up after yourself. This-this is disgusting."

(580) "If he wants to hate me, he can do that. I can't make someone stay."

(581) "No Nothing! I said you're so great, and then I just stopped talking!"

(582) "Oh god, (character) your neighbor is so hot!" - "(character) don't be such a creep-oh damn yeah he is."

(583) "I know people use this word way too loosely now a days, but I fucking love you, okay? I don't want to lose you..."

(584) "They don't know what we've been through."

(585) "Hey let's take a trip," - "Where?" - "Oh nothing too serious, I was thinking Italy?"

(586) "Listen my life is simple and you're just making it complicated."

(587) "I used to fall for the guys in uniforms, but that guy with the guitar is pretty cute."

(588) "If I didn't hate you so much, I might actually like you."

(589) "Three words don't define us. We were happy before I said it, I don't need anything more from you than what you have already given."

(590) "I swear I only love you for your dog, not gonna lie."

(591) "When I go to bars and guys ask me if I'm single I want to say yes, but I say no because he is all I think about."

(592) "I have a plan, is it a good one, we'll see."

(593) "So not to interrupt this fantastic moment but, I'm bleeding a lot."

(594) "It's like we are stuck in a game and she's the puppet master."

(595) "Honestly you're making it so easy for me to kill you right now with your knife."

(596) "Why'd you do it? Why would you kill him?"

(597) "The more you try to get out of here will make your death even more painful."

(598) "Are you flirting or starting a fight?"

(599) "Please your hand on my thigh is distracting me from my work-oohh god, dammit stop it."

(600) "I am so lucky that I had missed the bus that day to end up meeting you."

Writing PromptsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora