Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Zandro had lived up to his word and called her late at night every night for the first few days. "I want to be the last person you talk to each night. I want your sleep to be disturbed with images of what I would do to you if I were in your bed with you."

On and on and on it went. She certainly wasn't getting any sleep that was for sure. Each night it was the same pattern. Breanne exhausted from her full days spent working and then coming home to the children where the second half of her day began and she would bathe kids and organise dinner and activities. Then after the kids were all in bed and the chaos had dimmed Zandro would call.

Breanne normally hit the pillow and fell asleep within seconds. Now she found herself lying in wait for that call. She always answered on the first ring, so as not to wake the kids. Well that was her story to herself and she was sticking to it.

After the first few days of this torture Zandro had begun calling her in the morning as well. Very early. He wanted to be the first person she spoke to and the only one to hear her sexy morning voice. She remembered the first time he had said that to her and she had giggled thinking he was just playing around with her. She now knew better. Their conversations were getting more and more risqué. Breanne was feeling sexually charged and was enjoying the power of her newly found abilities.

She wanted to completely unravel this man. There were conversations where she was sure she was getting close yet he always managed to stay in control. When she really sat and thought about it he was the one in control whilst she seemed to be spiralling into a new universe. Particularly when he mentioned the places he would like to let his tongue explore and just where and how he would caress her if he was sharing her bed. Then there was the time she said she needed to shower and his suggestions for how he could improve that shower with her made her blush head to toe. He had such a hot imagination and she did not doubt for a minute that he would live up to every single fantasy. 

She came close so many times to begging to bring forward their next date. However, he still knew nothing about her. He had not asked her any personal questions about what she did in her spare time. He knew nothing about her family or her interests.

Breanne had to keep reminding herself that Zandro was a man interested in an affair only. A very hot, sexy affair no doubt but there was no way that he would be interested in anything longer or the package deal that she was. It was important for her to keep those thoughts at the front of her mind to avoid doing anything rash. Maybe she should just tell him everything and be done with it. She nearly did several times. Breanne had started to enjoy his attentions even if they were only over the phone. She wasn't ready to give it up and if he was at all interested in her for anything more than an affair then surely it was up to him to ask some pertinent questions.

Zandro had started the phone call game as a way to torture Breanne in hope that she would bring forward their next date. What he didn't anticipate was just how much she would test his control, fill his thoughts throughout the day and distract him at the most inopportune moments such as yesterday's meeting with the senior management team.

The meeting was to discuss the options of outsourcing the call centre. He had successfully done this with Zandra finance and added substantial savings through lower wage costs and unbeatably cheap call rates using VOIP technology. Throughout the meeting Zandro's attention had continuously wavered to images of Breanne hot with desire for him and stripped of all of her clothes in his bed. Zandro was so distracted that he looked down at a phone message and abruptly cut the meeting short on the pretence of something important having just come up for him. Possibly not the best move as he knew how unsettling the process of outsourcing could be on the remaining staff and particularly on the leaders who would need to execute the project.

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