Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Welcome back Bree, how was your holiday? We heard you decided to take a trip to the Philippines. Very spontaneous of you, well done honey you deserve to treat yourself," her peer Maddy enthused.

Realising that the real reason for her trip to the Philippines would have to remain confidential Breanne wished that Zandro had actually thought to brief her on what he had told everyone. It looked like he had stuck fairly close to the truth and she would just have to go along with that until she caught up with him. No doubt he would already be in his office. He was typically first to arrive and last to leave.

"Hey Maddy, yeah it was great. I have never done anything like it before and I'm glad I did. It was an experience to remember," and that she told herself was something that could never be taken away.

Breanne put her bag down, grabbed her mug and on the way to the kitchen decided that she should get it over with and go see Zandro now. Delaying the inevitable was only going to make things worse. She opened the door to his office only to find that he was not there. She looked for signs that he was actually here in the centre. His laptop was not set up on his desk and there were no sign of a set of keys or wallet. Puzzled she walked out and bumped into one of the team managers. "Um have you seen the boss around?"

"He's not in. Apparently he has gone back to Italy."

"Oh, okay," Breanne was now worried. She couldn't believe he would leave and not let her know. He certainly hadn't mentioned it as they were flying into Sydney. It must be something unexpected for him to have bothered coming all the way back to Australia before heading straight out again to Europe. Then again he wasn't exactly in a talkative mood on their journey home and really it wasn't as though they were in a real relationship where he would feel the need to inform her of his whereabouts.

Breanne would just wait patiently. She was sure that he would inform someone soon enough of what was happening. Breanne expected that with typical contact centre style, she would hear through the grape vine pretty fast if there was anything serious going on.

The day went by torturously slow and then the day turned to several still without any word from Zandro. Breanne had gone past the point of concerned and worried. She was livid. He may not have deep feelings for her but surely she was worth common courtesy. How could he simply up and vanish like that. She had thought once or twice of calling his mobile but then steeled her pride and resisted.

By the following Saturday Breanne had decided that it was time for her to take control of her life. She promised herself that she would stop mooning over a man who was not interested in her and get on with sorting out her own life. Breanne liked to do things spontaneously; however, today was more about seeing through her actions before she changed her mind.

With her resolve set her first port of call was the office. Breanne approached the Team Manager on duty and asked to have a few words. "Breanne this is unlike you, are you sure I can't get you to take a few days to reconsider? I don't want you to wake up on Monday morning and regret your decision."

"Liz, really I've made up my mind. I'm sorry about not giving the company any notice but I just really need to do this for myself. Please just take the notice period out of my final pay and let's leave it at that."

"Okay, but honestly I'm not sure exactly what has brought this on for you. You have been an exemplary staff member and we are all going to miss you and your energy. Don't worry about the notice period.  I am however, worried about you. Please at least take the employee assistance card if you need to talk they are pretty good or you can always call me and I'd be happy to be there as a friend for you," Liz gave Breanne a hug and she was touched by Liz's level of compassion.

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