Blue 💙

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Jake felt more at peace then he had a long time while staring up into the cloudless blue sky framed by trees. His head was in Amy's lap who didn't seem to mind as she was engulfed in an argument with Gina who looked like should could care less. She was playing with his brown curls and the. more infuriated she got the harder she pulled. Jake tried to ignore the pain his scalp was in as his tolerance for pain had gone up since the same woman he married, his wife, had shot him.

He loved being able to say the words "his wife". He never imagined that this crazy intelligent woman would've been stupid enough to marry him. He was really fucking lucky, wasn't he?

"Jake, earth to Jake!" Amy said waving a hand in front of his face.

Her face was red as a tomato as it appeared Gina had just begun to ignore her preferring to text on her phone. Jake sat up facing his wife with a dorky smile.

"I give up. I mean who is she even texting? Everyone she knows is here." she said rolling her eyes.

Jake laughed pushing a piece of stray hair behind her ear lovingly.

"What's with the dorky smile?" she said taking her hair down only to put it back up in an even tighter bun.

"Oh nothing it's just nice to have the gang back together," he said looking across the faces of all his friends and their families.

It was a rare treat for them all to be together with everyone having busy lives. He was surprised Gina had even made it she was usually preoccupied with her growing Geehive. It had been Amy's idea to have a huge picnic with all of them together. He was actually super surprised at the idea not at the fact that his wife wanted to plan the whole thing but that it was a picnic. Amy was not the type to have an environment in which she couldn't control every signal aspect. But she seemed set on the idea so they dragged themselves all out to Manhattan in order to have some time off of work which meant several trains to make it to the Great Lawn in Central Park where they were now.

"Yeah, I think it was a great idea. Especially the no dogs part," she said somewhat smugly.

"But what are we even celebrating actually? I mean I'll take any excuse to eat ice cream but it seems a little random and that is one thing you are not," he said matter of factly.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet I mean your supposed to be such a good detective," she said slapping him lightly on the shoulder. "But since you've been so patient I'll finally tell you but first we need to gather everybody around," she said getting up from her seating position Jake following her excitedly.

" So many of you have been wondering why we gathered here today and no it isn't just random. I also think some of you have been lacking on your detective skills." she paused as family members laughed and Rosa scowled only to laugh a little as her girlfriend wrapped an arm around her shoulders."I'm so lucky to be married to the love of my life and it was a year ago that he came out. I know this seems like an excuse to celebrate my husband but he is one of the bravest people I know and that says something when you're surrounded by cops. But it takes true courage to be vulnerable a share a part of yourself that you've had a conflict with. Thank you for being my husband and I'm so happy to have you in my life. Anyways cheers!" she said.

Jake hadn't realized he was crying until the moment everyone raised their glasses to him. He had never felt so full of love and gratefulness. So when she sat back down and the applause had drifted back to happy chatter. She nudged him in the shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her bring her into a kiss. Even with their awkward position, he tried to channel all his feelings into the kiss. Closing his eyes and feeling her arms wrap around him and deepening the kiss. Which felt so soft and perfect and tasted like mint toothpaste and watermelon. A weird combination but it was them. He didn't have to be a good detective to know he never wanted it to end.

Okay so I'm not sure how this was but hopefully you guys like it. I can't believe there's only one chapter left!! Also, the grammar might be trash but it was fun to write this. If you guys want any stories written just tell me it can be any genre. Also, I know this tv show is cop centered at I am a huge supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement but I didn't wanna really bring into the story so yeah also ironically this chapter is called blue. I associate sadness with blue but I wanted to make this chapter light and full of love so tell me what you think!!-Elle

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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