The red book

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Alec stood, arms crossed, in Magnus' doorway as he rummaged around in piles of books.

"I swear it's here somewhere- ah ha!" Magnus said, pulling out an old looking book with a faded red hard cover. "Now, Alexander, I want you to read this book"

Alec had a confused look plastered across his face. "Why, Magnus?"

"Just read it and come back to me when you're done" Magnus replied, walking Alec to the front door. "It shouldn't take you too long. But you must wait until you get back to the institute. You must read it privately"

Alec, still very confused, gripped the book at his side, walking out of Magnus' loft.



Magnus had just gotten out of the shower when he suddenly heard a loud knock on the door. Wrapping a soft white towel around his waist, he walked out of his bathroom and towards his front door, but before he could open it Alec had burst in. Realising that Magnus was only in a bath-towel, Alec looked down at his feet awkwardly.

"Ah, Alexander. I'll take it you finished the book?"

"Uh yeah. What the hell, Magnus? This book was straight up pornography!" Alec yelled.

"You're missing the point, my love" Magnus smiled.

"Don't call me that, we aren't together. I'm marrying Lydia tomorrow for christ's sake!"

"Well, what I meant is, the whole point of the book is that you shouldn't be with someone because it makes other people happy, you should be with someone because it makes you happy" Magnus stated, looking up at Alec. He said nothing in response, so Magnus continued. "You shouldn't marry Lydia just because it's good for your family and a wise choice, you should marry her because you love her"

"What makes you so sure that I don't love her?" Alec snapped.

"Look me in the eye, Alexander, and tell me that you love Lydia". Alec opened his mouth slightly, but no words come out. "Alec, I know you feel what I feel. I know that you like me too, so why don't we just quit messing around and try this already?"

"Magnus, I can't" Alec said, looking down at his feet again.

"Why not?" Magnus asked, stepping closer to Alec and wrapping his arms around his neck. "Why can't we just try?"

Without warning, Alec leaned forward and connected the pairs' lips. Magnus instantly reacted, pulling him in even closer, making the kiss more passionate. The two made out in that spot for a minute or so before Alec abruptly pulled away.

"Shit, I-I'm sorry, Magnus, I-". Alec was cut off by the warlock who simply raised his hand.

"It's quite alright, Alexander" he said, slightly disappointed that it ended so soon. "But I can tell you enjoyed that as much as I did"

"...Maybe" Alec replied, beginning to blush a light pink colour. "W-would it be totally inappropriate if I kissed you again?" Alec was hesitant, but when Magnus simply nodded, he pulled him in, connecting their lips once again.

Things escalated fast. Magnus pulled the shadowhunter's shirt up over his head and he slowly led the way to his bedroom, making sure to not separate their lips. Without a second thought, Magnus threw Alec onto his bed and dove on top of him. The passion in their kiss grew with every movement. Magnus reached down and began to unbuckle Alec's belt when he suddenly felt the bulge in his pants.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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