Part 4

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listening to that nandini's whole world crashed and pooja was beside her only nandini lost her balance and her books fell down

pooja supported her

pooja : nandini

nan: manik

pooja : nandini what manik

nan: city hospital

pooja took her mobile and asked the matter and she cut the call and she dragged nandini as she is in not in a position to talk

pooja made her sit in the car and pooja drove to the city hospital .

soon they reached the hospital and nandini with trembling voice asked about manik and they told that he was in I.C.U.

they immediately rushed towards where manik was kept .

nandini saw from the glass door that the doctors were treating him

nandini was in a shock and was literally crying .

pooja was consoling her . after some time she stopped her crying but she didn't talk .

pooja called sahil and said about the matter and sahil to came to the hospital .

after some time doctors came out and nandini seeing the doctors she rushed to them .

nan: doctor how is manik

doct : u are

nan: i am his wife

doct : dont worry its just a minor accident his head got hurt and his left was slightly sprained . he is out of danger and he will woke up soon .

all signed in relief but nandini she wants to see manik .

all sat there only waiting for manik to wake up and he was shifted into the room .

it was 4 in the evening the nurse told that manik got the conscious so all the 3 members went inside the room .

manik saw that pooja sahil and at last nandini was entering the room her face is pale and eyes were swollen due to crying .

sahil : how are u manik

man: fine

then only nurse came and said to bring these medicines .

sahil said that he will go and get and pooja said she will also come with him they both went leaving manik and nandini alone .

manik saw that she was standing beside his bed , manik tired to get up but he cant and he hissed in pain

hearing the hiss nandini saw that and helped him to sit .

manik pulled nandini and made her sit on the bed opposite to him .

man: nandini

listening to his voice nandini just crashed herself into him and started crying .

manik held her with one hand and rubbing her back .

man: ssh nandini stop crying baby i am fine see

nan: if some thing happens to u then how can i live manik i cannot live manik i will die .

manik just closed her mouth with his palm

man: ssh never say like that . if nandini is not there then how can u think that manik can live .

she was seeing his wound on the forehead with was covered with band aid and there was blood spot on that

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