Timeline between Problem Time and WN

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This will constantly be updated as there are more chapters of Problem Time.

For each chapter, I will state the chapter name and the corresponding paragraph in WN to the chapter in Problem Time.


Problem Time Chapter 1: Welcome to Problem Time!

Corresponding chapter: None (yeah... this was a spur of the moment idea)


Problem Time Chapter 2: FNAF VR Part 1

Corresponding chapter: Chapter 73 - There was no way

The students had spent their one free day resting. Since they didn't have any homework, the Bakusquad literally spent the entire day playing video games, though there was way too much screaming and explosions from the common room for anyone to even do anything. Ashido was apparently recording them playing some horror game in Virtual Reality, and somehow, Midoriya managed to sleep through the entire thing while sleeping in the bean bag despite all the screaming and yelling. He didn't wake up for breakfast or lunch, and the only reason he had eaten a bit for dinner was because Uraraka, Iida, and Shinsou bugged him enough, before he promptly went back to sleep; Iida had gotten up for his daily morning run, only to find Midoriya already sleeping in the common room, curled up in the bean bag.


Problem Time Chapter 3: Doors

Corresponding chapter: Chapter 78 - But they forgot

He didn't seem to mind Reiko or Ryuto entering his safe space too much, and Ashido was able to borrow them for ten minutes before they returned back to the greenette's side. Oddly enough, he didn't seem to mind some of the students either. Iida, Uraraka, Shinsou, Koda and Todoroki were a given, since they were his friends, but lately, Asui and Kirishima could just sit down by the window to read, or check their phones, which was right next to Midoriya, and while the first few times they did that, Midoriya had woken up, but lately, Midoriya just ignored them and continued napping.


Problem Time Chapter 4: Cling Film Prank

Corresponding chapter: Chapter 95 - I'm in the solitude

"Hey, Midoriya, you're pretty famous!" Kaminari grinned, shoving his phone at Midoriya, leaving the boy with no choice but to read the article that Kaminari had shown him. He was already pretty peeved at the blonde, given that both he and Ashido had decided to prank the entirety of 1-A by sticking cling film on every door frame and hallway.

It wasn't a harmful prank, but it was really annoying to have to slice through all the cling film.


Problem Time Chapter 5-7: Doki Doki Literature Club

Corresponding chapter: Chapter 100 - Falling through

Literally the entire fucking chapter XDXD


Problem Time Chapter 8: Doors

Corresponding chapter: Chapter 105 - But they forgot

"I don't mind going out. It's nice to get out of UA every once in a while; be normal kids for once." Shinsou sighed, "We have to stock up on pet food too. Didn't Kaminari try to eat cat food two days ago on a dare before Sato found him? I heard he ended up destroying most of our stock."


Problem Time Chapter 9: Cucumber Pranks

Corresponding chapter: Chapter 111 - When everything is overturning

He heard some giggling, and out of the corner of his eye, Midoriya noticed something green on the ground. Frowning, Midoriya rubbed his eyes, and sat up, taking a better look at whatever the thing was.

Why on earth was there a cucumber on the floor?

The greenette just stared at the fruit, not really sure what to do about it. They hadn't gone grocery shopping today, so there was no reason for a cucumber to be sitting on the floor without anyone noticing.

Midoriya heard the familiar whistling of the kettle, and looked up, before picking the cucumber off the ground and placing it on the table carefully. If someone did lose it, they'll probably find it sitting on the counter.


Problem Time Chapter 10: FNAF VR Part 2 

Corresponding chapter: Chapter 134 - Bring you back to life

After the students had finished dinner, some of them thought it was a good idea to invite some of the 1-B students over to play some horror game that elicited a lot of screaming and yelling. Midoriya found the noise to be too much, and hastily decided to retreat to his room for some peace and quiet. He wasn't going to be eating anything else, so he quickly brushed his teeth and changed into a clean hoodie and pants, before he threw himself onto his huge bean bag to rest.

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