Chapter 2

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Next Part. Just a quick FYI, comments would help. Just to know if I should keep writing this one. It's completely typed on wattpad considering it's not my main focus at this point.

[Pic of Katie]


There were three of them in my first period class. Two males and one female. They caught my scent once they entered the room. I knew because they were staring directly at me. My scent told them I was an unfamiliar werewolf. They weren't expecting me to be here, so their alpha didn't already know I was here either. Then again, what alpha would?

All through class, they watched me out of the corner of their eyes. It was getting really annoying and I felt the urge to growl at them. To make them stop somehow. It wouldn't be a smart move, though, considering there were twenty-three humans in the classroom. It would draw way too much attention and talk.

Halfway through class, I got bored and started to doodle. Whenever I doodled, I drew a wolf pack. There were always six of them. The alpha and his female. His son, the beta. A daughter and two twin wolf pups. It was supposed to represent a family, my family. Sometimes, I wished so bad that they were like me, and that I was a wolf from genetics. Other times, I was glad it was only me. This way, I could face my own problems and have my own secret life from them. Being a wolf was like my safe haven from the life I lived with the people in this town.

When I was little, I always had some feeling that I was different. One time, I had a major break down. It was the worst thing I had ever done in front of my parents. My mom tried to explain to me that unless I talked to her, she would start getting me "help." So, I tried talking to her.

I told her how I thought I was different. I told her I was scared that one day I wouldn't be here. When I was little I always tried to imagine my future, but I never could. Most people can see their future as a doctor, or a model, or even a parent. I couldn't. That led me to believe that I didn't have a future and I wouldn't make it to be an adult. If anyone ever thought about it like I did, they would be scared out of their mind.

Anyway, my mom told me that it was going to be okay. "You shouldn't work yourself up over this, Dani," was what she said.

After that, I've never told my family anything that I thought about. I knew they wouldn't understand. No one ever truly understands, even if they say they do. To be honest, I didn't want anyone to understand me. If they did, they would think they knew me completely. Predictable, is what I would have become. But I liked mysteries. Katie always joked about me saying I was a puzzle. One that no one would ever be able to solve.

The bell rang, interrupting my thoughts. I remembered the three werewolves in my class. I tried to get out and vanish before they realized I had left, but I was sitting in the back of the room. I mentally kicked myself because I really didn't think that through. As I walked out the door, someone grabbed my wrist. It was one of those males.

Okay, I'm not going to lie, but he was pretty hot. His eyes were a light blue and he had dark, shaggy hair. Like most male werewolves, he was in great shape, but wasn't very tall, just average. Maybe 5'11", 6 feet? I wouldn't let myself get side-tracked by his appearance though. A low growl sounded from me, but only so the two of us could here.

"Let me go," I said fiercely.

"Who are you?" the guy asked. "Why are you here? You are not part of the pack."

"No shit," I told him angrily. I hated being contained. It made me feel caged and trapped. "I live here. Now let me go!"

The boy smiled. He looked to be about eighteen. "The alpha didn't know about you. I just bet he would have a wonderful time meeting you, as would the rest of the pack."

Holy crap. Now I was in trouble. The human part of me wanted to cower down in fear and beg for mercy. My wolf did not like this. She told me to stand, fight and make threats. I narrowed my eyes. "Leave me alone. If anyone approaches me or touches me in a way that I don't like, I will not hesitate to kill them. Tell your alpha that if anyone from his pack gets in my way, you'll all have to deal with hell. That's a warning. Now. Let. Me. Go."

He released me then. Whether it was because my threat scared the crap out of him or he just wanted to protect his pack, I didn't know, nor did I care. It was an empty threat, though. I had no experience with fighting and was alone. But my point was clear. I walked off and met up with Katie.

"They moved here from somewhere in the east. There are seventeen of them in the school. The story is that their parents all work for the same business and it got moved out here. Some of the guys are hot, though most have girlfriends, and they all have some big cash," Katie informed me.

I nodded and smirked. "Thanks, Kate." What she didn't mention is they lived somewhere in the forest where people wouldn't find them. There must be a huge private estate closed off for them. The guy had a strong scent of the forest on him. I would have to be more careful of where I went on my midnight runs from now on until they left. If they left. The very thought sent chills up my back. "Did you find out if the stay was temporary?"

Katie looked uneasy. "It sounds like they're staying for awhile. I'm sorry, Dani." Damn! My life had just gotten a hundred times more complicated and I blamed whoever their damn alpha was. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed there was another werewolf watching me.

I turned and glared at them. Why couldn't I just leave now? That's right, I had anchors here. My family, school, and Katie. I was only sixteen. Two more years and then I was free. For now, I faced the werewolf glaring at me. It was going to be a hell of a long two years. Let's face it. Fate hated me.

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