Chapter 6

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Okay, so I'm super tired today and I'm watching a Vampire Diaries marathon. I really hated Damon is the beginning.

[Pic of Henry]


Dani's P.O.V.

We were at this kind of night club place. It was seven already and we were just about to go on stage. I've never been this nervous about singing in front of all these people, but I could feel some of the other wolves presence. It was all it took to make me wonder if Jace was out there.

Jace. Alpha of the new pack. My mate. I didn't even know what he called his pack. Honestly, did I care? My wolf did, but I didn't. I knew next to nothing about my mate, but all of me cared about that. What was wrong with my life. A lot of things, Danielle. A lot of thing, my conscience told me. I rolled my eyes. Perfect.

The club went by the name of The Night Club. Nice, huh? I wonder who, in the whole world, could've  thought up that name. It was dark inside with a bunch of colorful lights illuminating it. So, it wasn't too dark after all. To me, it was actually pretty light, but that was only because of my wolf senses.

Our plan was to start strong and end strong. That way it would give the audience something to notice. It was Keith's idea. He was in charge of basically everything when it came to booking gigs, managing the equipment, and whatever little money we made. The band thing didn't happen a lot anyway. We only met up once a week to practice together and usually had only one gig every two months or so.

It was decided that we were going to start with Katy Perry's, Firework. We usual started with something familiar to the people listening. My opinion on the song wasn't that strong. It was okay, put not really my style. Apparently, I sang it amazing, though, according to the guys and Katie. She came to all the gigs and most of the practices.

Katie had also picked out my outfit and done my hair for tonight. I usually never cared on my appearance, which I didn't tonight. She had told me that I looked hot, but what did I care. Tonight was about talent for me, not looks.

Either way, she had dressed me in a sexy red, one shouldered tank, that showed a bit of my stomach, which I didn't mind. Hey, I wasn't fat. Being a wolf gave me a fit and thin body, but not too thin. That would be gross. Most wolves can't be thing either. We eat too much meat. Not raw meat, cooked. We are still part human.

My pants were these tight, black jeans with some small heels. My equilibrium made it possible for me to prance around stage during the performance if I wished to do so. I didn't, so it didn't matter. My personality was nothing of a girlie-girl, neither a tom-boy. Simply average.

Time was slowly dragging on towards go time. Crap, why was I so nervous? I've never been like this before! This added to my long list of why I hated those werewolves. I've decided to blame them for everything now. I know it won't anger them, so really there's no harm done, right?

Jace's P.O.V.

"Come on man," Henry begged me. "Just come for a little while. You have barely left this house since we got here!"

Sadly, he was right, but really there wasn't a need to go into town. We've only been here three day's really. I wasn't comfortable in town. There were too many people, and it was too... open. Not enough forage. Personally, I loved the forest, as did all wolves. Though I had taken a stronger liking to it than most. My father had always joked that it was like I had been born from the ground.

What did that even mean? It made no sense what-so-ever. And it wasn't even that funny. I've always thought my father was lost in what was myth and what wasn't. He followed old philosophies and ways. Mostly about how wolves were one with nature and earth. Many thought it was crazy, but now that I was alpha, I kind of could see where he was coming from.

I focused my attention back onto Henry. "Why are you even going?" I asked. "It sounds stupid."

He was trying to get my to go to a club. It sounded ridiculous. That name was even stupid. The Night Club? No, shit it was a night club. Seriously, the last thing I wanted was to be surrounded by a bunch of teenagers getting high off life.

"Jace, seriously, man. Just come. I mean what's the worst that could happen?" He thought for a moment before adding, "You know I heard that you might even know someone in the band."

What the hell was he talking about? How could I possibly know someone in the band that was playing at the club? "Who the hell are you talking about?" I demanded.

"The she-wolf," he said. "Rumor has it, she's the singer. It would give you a chance to monitor her again, but this time, she can't threaten or be mad because you'll have an excuse. Everyone knows you were with her last night. Dude, what even happened out there."

In all truth, I didn't have to answer his question. I was the alpha, and he was my beta. Not the other way around, but considering he was my best friend, I kind of felt obliged to tell him what had happened. "Nothing," I said. "Really, I just tried to find out about her a bit and I got threatened, directly this time."

"Word is her name is Danielle," Henry told me. "She goes by Dani, though."

Dani, I thought. Perfect. "Anything else?"

"Her parents and whole family are humans. Like, she was born into a human family."

"Yet, she's a werewolf," I said. I knew Henry had no idea how she was, so I didn't bother asking how.

"Did you find out anything?" he asked.

It was honesty time. I nodded. "Well, I don't want the pack to annoy her. We need to get on her good side. I don't want her to hate us, or tolerate us. I want her to actually like us."

"Um, why?"

I took a deep breath. "She's my mate." Finally, he knows, but it could only be him. His eyes went wide and his mouth hung open.

"Finally! I was starting to thin you were going to grow old alone. You're going to have a hard time with her, man. Good luck with that," he rambled.

"No kidding," I sighed. "Just don't tell anyone. I don't want the pack to know yet, not even Savannah. Just make sure they get my message."

"So, does that mean you're going?" he asked my. Weird. His eyes lit up like someone had just given him a million bucks.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," I said as I grabbed my coat of the hook. "Let's go."


There you go. Chapter seven will probably come out later tonight. I'm hoping it will be longer.

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