Chapter 2

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     Ones dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.


Eva's POV

Being me and living the life I lived sucked big time. The people in the pack did not care about me whatsoever.

In the times I needed someone to be there for me there was no one. And that was the shittiest thing about my life.

I always knew I was an outcast to the pack. They didn't need to tell me something I already knew. 

The child born from an affair. 

The child that wasn't supposed to be born.

 The child that ruined everything.

I didn't have a single friend to help me get through my miserable life, and I had lived my 19 years on earth like this. As sad it was to say I was used to it.

I had thought about ending my life but I could never bring myself to do it. I always thought about the mate who was never going to know what about the love of a mate and that was always enough to get me to stop.


Today was finally the day the pack allowed me to bath. My skin was caked with a weeks worth of blood, tears and  sweat. 

I walked to the lake where I was supposed to take a bathe in with the soap I used to bathe in my hand. The pack didn't want to waste money on me buying luscious soaps when they could just keep the leftovers of the soap the pack had used for me to use.

I got to the lake to take a good look at myself. My blonde hair was knotted and mixed with my sweat and blood. My dull blue eyes were red and swollen due to the fact that I cried so often.

I got into the lake to wash the dirt and blood caked onto my skin. I was only allowed to bath twice a week so I had to make use of this time I was being allowed.

I washed my skin and scrubbed it until it became clean, red and irritated.  That was how I liked it. It was the only way I felt clean.

I wore the same clothes I was in before I took the bath. I had been in the same clothes for about a week. I wasn't given many items of clothing to wear.

The clothes the pack provided for me were the hand me downs of the children in the pack. They only gave then to me when they were ruined to the extent that no one could wear them. Except for me. 

I was given two pair of jeans each of them were ripped and worn out.  

I was also given three tops each large enough to fit a 12 year old and four pairs of  undergarments  which consisted of worn out bras and four  pieces of underwear which had multiple holes at various parts of it.

That was all I was  given. 

That was all I deserved.


I stood in front of the mirror in the corner of my room to try and fix the mess on my head that was my hair.

 I run my fingers through my hair as long as i could, not that it made it look better. I just decided I was going to leave it . It wasn't like people would notice if I decided to do anything to it.

I made my way up to to the pack house. As soon as I stepped foot in there and they all caught a whiff of my scent they turned their heads to look at me with looks full of disgust.

I made my way up to the kitchen to start making breakfast for the whole pack.  Pancakes. 

That was what I had planned to make for them today.

There were well over a hundred members of the pack so it was necessary for me to start like three hours before before it was time for breakfast if I had any intention of serving the  breakfast to them with time to spare.

If I didn't finish on time I would get a long, painful beating. And I was going to try and avoid that at all cost.

The pack members didn't necessarily make it easy to cook  for them. They threw insults at me and were criticizing me with every chance they got. They hated every single thing I did.

I had to focus on making the food. 

Once I finished they didn't even thank me for making the food for me. 

I hadn't eaten in days. No one offered me food. They ate it all up , didn't leave some for me even if they were all ware I hadn't eaten.

I wasn't allowed to make food for myself. They made me eat their leftovers.though they rarely ever leave some for me.

I watched as they finished the food. I was allowed to go back down to my room when they were done. They did this so they could torture me.

Sometimes I wished that my mother never gave birth to me. No one deserved to go through what I did.  Most people didn't have to.

I wouldn't wish it upon my enemies.    

The torture they subjected me to made me feel like I was in my own personal hell. There was no getting out of it.

Every time they hurt me, both physically and emotionally, they left me to patch it up all by myself.  Every single time.

I couldn't do anything but take it. Someone like me, couldn't do anything.  Although I had a mixture of Alpha and Beta blood in me I could never take on a whole pack.

The fact that I hadn't been to training in my entire life wouldn't give a shot at wining if I ever decided to go up against them.   

I never would.

 I knew I didn't stand a chance.

They could kill me if they wanted to, anytime they chose to. 

I didn't matter to them.



I am finally done with this chapter. It felt like I  was writing it for ages. Its a little shorter than the other chapters I've planned to write .

Anyway I was searching on google for weird pictures (not very normal but idc) and I found this picture. You guys might not find it very funny but I find it hilarious. 

And something about it just made me burst into laughter

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And something about it just made me burst into laughter. I know I'm weird lol.

I've come to a conclusion. My sense of humor is broken.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the book.

Thank you for reading past the first chapter. You have no idea how much this means to me.


the author of this book. 

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