dream 1

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this is going to be a story about one of the nightmares ive had. this nightmare took place about a few months or so after my uncle had passed away (not going to be a story i wright about. its to personal for me to share, sorry) and just for a bit of context i was having nightmares almost every night but this is the first dream i had experenced sleep paralysis with.

it started in a bright white room with one door so naturally i go threw it and this just felt like i had actually done this many times before. but i entered a room full of animals wwho were all talking to one another but tey wernt normal animals. they were mounted animals. but there was a tree in the middle and a big leaf from the tree fell and i steped on it and it floated up in the middle of the room and shushed everyone and told them to quite down.

one they had quited down i had saied something like "alright lets get down to busness" like i fucking ran the place! but this dear kinda skoffed and told me to come close to him so i did as he requested and he said to come closer, that he had a secreat to tell me. i then hesatentaly put my head where his lips were expecting a soft voice but he just let out an absolute blood curtling scream in my ear and all of a sudden i couldent move. i was in too much shock and still in my dream.

i could see and hear the animals laughing but then i woke up and i tried to get up but i found i couldnt. i started to panic, yell, but nothing. i couldnt even move my head nor even my eyes. i kinda just calmed down for some reason and just waited it out. some time later i was able to move and i started to cry and scream and my mother came and comphorted me.

ive never for got this nor do i think i ever will. this all happened and 9 or 10 years ago. i rember everything like it was fucking yesterday that all this went down.

377 words

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