Zap Out Houdini Style

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Dirk made himself comfortable and closed his eyes. For him to be so willing to sleep, Rafaela knew he was badly wounded. She drove quickly, her destination in mind. She stopped briefly in Birmingham and exchanged her car for another one. Dirk mesmerized the owner of the small second hand lot to take her modest Ford as a full trade on a three year old, dark gray Camaro. 

"Why a muscle car?" she asked for the third time as she pulled out of the parking lot. "We could get better mileage with a different model." 

"Perhaps, but I want something that can really cook and hold the road. If we get in trouble, you need to be able to get away." 

"And what about you?" 

"I can zap out Houdini style. You can't." 

She had to concede that argument. They drove several more hours, finally crossing the Arkansas line. Rafaela adjusted her route and slowed the car, pulling to the side of the nearly deserted road. 

"You need to drive now. I'm beat." 

"Where am I going?" 

"Stay on this road until you see signs for Oark. Then wake me." 



"Got it. Sleep well, Ella." 

She went in the back seat and fell immediately asleep. She didn't wake until Dirk spoke to her. 

"First sign for Oark." 

"Pull over, I'll drive." 

They changed places. 

"You'll have to hop out before I drive up to the house." 

"Are you serious?" 

"This guy doesn't like vamps. He never met one he didn't want to kill. I need to talk to him without you there." 

Grumbling, Dirk agreed. He got out without question when she stopped again. 

"There's a small cabin half a mile up that track," she pointed to the right. "Wait for me there." 

"What if it's occupied." 

"It won't be. It's mine. Here's the key." 



"You'll be okay with this guy, El? He sounds whack." 

"I'll be fine. He's my nephew." 

"The Hunter?" His voice rose more than he'd intended. 

"The very same." 

Dirk couldn't conceal a shiver. Rafaela had a reputation for being persistent and ruthless. Her nephew, Seth, added sadistic and psychotic to the family tree. 

"Damn good thing he'll never reproduce," Dirk muttered as he shouldered a backpack and struck out in the woods. 

Knowing he was close to a Hunter's lair, he made his way slowly, looking for traps. If Seth was even half as paranoid as Rafaela, he'd have his perimeter well protected. That was what made the attack on Rafaela's cabin seem so unlikely. Usually, she surrounded herself with traps and gadgets to warn her of a vampire presence. 

I distracted her. It's my fault. She could have been killed. 

He avoided several traps and pitfalls as he walked toward her cabin. It was set in a clearing and surrounded by oak, ash and hawthorn trees. His skin crawling, Dirk proceeded. He could feel the protective wards in place. Had he not been a guest of Rafaela's, he'd have been trapped by them. Even with her permission, the wards and talismans around her house made him highly uncomfortable. He could only imagine the pain he'd feel if he tried to attack her here. 

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