Not in a Million Years

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Seth looked away. "That was my attitude yesterday. Then you saved Rafaela's life, risking your own. I may not like you much, Dirk, but that counts for something." 

"Warming up to me, huh?" He punched Seth's shoulder. 

"Not in a million fucking years." 

"In a million years, if we're all still alive, I guarantee we'll be friends," Dirk replied.

They spent the rest of the day planning and arming themselves from the weapon stores from the cabins. Dirk was impressed. He usually relied on his vampire abilities to see him through a fight, but this time, he wasn't averse to arming himself to his fangs. Having been a soldier more than once, he looked through the armories with a discerning eye. 

"I'll carry the light bomb," Seth said. "I'm more familiar with it than you two. If they take me out, at least you both know what to do." 

"You'll forgive my reluctance to have anything to do with it," Dirk said, shying away. "God forbid anything goes wrong with it, I am, quite literally, toast." 

Though he was reluctant to touch it, Dirk learned how to arm and set the timer on the light bomb. He didn't like touching it, but made himself deal with it. Their lives could depend on his ability to set it and he wouldn't let them down. 

They ate a light supper before retiring for the night. They planned to head out in the morning. It wasn't a long drive, but they wanted to stop nearby and get some rest before proceeding to the Vampire Lord's mansion. Rafaela was loading the dishwasher. Dirk took Seth aside. 

"Man to man, I need to ask a favor." 

"I'd already planned to head home for awhile. Gonna catch a nap," he replied, looking somewhat uncomfortable. "I don't begin to understand this relationship you two have, but I know the kind of love you share. If I could get Miri back, even for one night...." He sniffed sharply, shaking his head. "You know what time we're getting on the road. I'll be back. Don't keep her up too late." 

"Scout's Honor," Dirk swore. 

"You weren't a Boy Scout," Seth remarked with a frown. 

"On the contrary, I was a founding member. You just won't find my name on any of the historical documents." 

Seth chuckled. "That's just outrageous enough to be true." He called goodbye to Rafaela and left. 

Dirk joined Rafaela in the kitchen, helping her clean up. When the dishwasher was going, he took her in his arms, kissing her deeply. 

"If this is going to be our last night together, I want to make it count," he murmured. "I love you more than I can possibly tell you." 

"I love you too, Dirk. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me." 

"The worst, too, I bet," he teased. 

"Never. What you said about having a child.... My deepest regret is that I've never been able to have your baby." 

He chuckled. "Can't you see a little Hunter sprouting fangs and killing the neighbor's dog?" Tears formed in his eyes. "I've dreamed about my children the last two nights. I see their little faces still and pale in death. It's more horrific than seeing the faces of the people I've killed." 

"Shh. Not allowed to dwell. Make love to me until we're too weak to stand." 

Dirk did just that. He began by making love to her slowly, exploring every well known inch of her body as if it were the first time. He ignited fires in her that took hours to quench. Using skills learned over his extended lifetime, he loved her until they were too weak to stand. 

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