We Did It

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I was building my energy to take Dre down. This time I will win

"Relax Ju, don't worry so much" Sarah said while she played with my hair

That feels nice

"I'm just tired" I said

"I know, I'm tired too" she sighed

She's doesn't deserve this. Neither does Edin

I spent the next few hours walking around the Asylum

Shit, everytime I think of the Asylum it makes my blood boil

Fuck it, it's time

I merged my way down to the front of the Asylum and waited for Dre to return

Sarah stood next to me and Edin stayed hidden


"Well shit I didn't know we was having a party?" Dre entered and said

"Hell yeah mf it's ya going down party" I said and swang a punch directly to his mouth and he stumbled

"Didn't expect that did ya?" I laughed

I didn't stop with that, I threw more punches and kicks at him

Sarah joined in and gave him some punches as well

Shit, she's tough

I like that

"This is for everyday you've ever hurt me" she screamed and kicked him in his nuts

"Julius, Sarah Run!" I heard Edin shout

I looked to the side to see the two bodyguards charging our way. Quickly we dashed the other way

"Julius, I'm scared" Sarah said as she held onto me

"I'll protect you" I smiled

That made her blush

I got up and peaked outside, the coast was clear

Both of us slipped out

"There they are!" One of the ape shouted

"Fuck" I whispered

We ran and quickly met up with Edin who looked us in her room

"It's not safe, they are huge" Edin said

"They not finna win" I demanded

"Julius, I know you wouldn't believe me but stay here and wait. We will win"

Hell nah, wait? And die

"Julius I think she's right, we can't fight them" I whipped my head to Sarah

I looked into her eyes as tears fell

I sighed and dropped to the ground

"So what we finna stay here forever until them two apes die?" I asked


"Aite then" I shrugged

Police siren

I jumped at the sound of the siren

Is this the sign God?

Edin quickly opened the door, we all ran out to the front of the Asylum

The Asylum is sound proof so nobody can hear us from the outside

"Los Angeles NYPD open up!" We heard

Then we heard gunshots flying

I ran to the sound and there laying was Ape #1 and #2

They're dead

I looked up to see an army of police

"Julius Garcia?" One of them asked and all I could've done was shake my head yes

Was this really happening?

"You're safe now" he said and shit I did feel safe

"Sarah Monroe and Edin Parker?" A female officer asked and they both answered yes

The three of us were escorted out of the Asylum

As I walked outside I was hit with the fresh air and sun

Man, did I miss this

"Son we've been looking for you ever since you disappeared. It's been almost 5 years but we're glad you're still alive" The female officer said to me

"Glad to be alive" I said

"Do you know who's responsible for this place?" She asked

"Dre" I said and she nodded

"We've been eyeing him for some time. He's been caught in a bit and run accident, unfortunately the victim died" She explained

"He's a killer too" I said

"Yes, he's a very sick person and he will be going to jail" She said

I smiled

I turned around to see Sarah, I walked up to her and hugged her

"We did it" I said

"We did it" Sarah smiled her adorable smile

I bent down and put my face onto hers

This right here is all I want

"Where are we gonna go Ju?" She asked

I lifted my head up

"Back home, to the Institution" Edin intervened

"Really?" I asked

"Really" she said

"Me too?" Sarah asked

"Yes you too my niece" Edin smiled

Sarah hugged her and finally my soul was at ease

"Kayden Dre Parker you are under arrest for Murder, Kidnapping on three counts and the running of an illegal institution!" The male Officer shouted as he dragged Dre out of the institution

His face was swollen due to the punches he received and he was limping

Lil mf

I smiled at the sight

"Wow, what happened to him?" The female officer asked

"I beat him up" I bluntly said as she looked at me

"Am I gonna be arrested?" I asked

She laughed at me

"No love, he got what he deserved" She said

"Come on, let's get you two home" Another male Officer said

I smiled and looked up to the sky

We were finally free


So close to the end




TrillJxmmi 🖤

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