Saturday 2

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Word Count: 3157


"I see you survived the night," Juliette said, peering down at her Jazz. She glared up at Juliette, wiping excess water from around her eyes. Juliette dropped the cup on the ground, backing away.

"Any reason why you splashed me with water?" Jazz snapped, her green eyes ablaze. Juliette grinned, backing away till the baks of her knees hit the bed. Jazz slid from her bed, a look of retribution in her eyes.

"We should go for a run," Juliette suggested. She was hoping for a day where she could forget about Ace, Chris and any sassy Kings around.

Jazz was about to launch at Juliette, but a knock on the door stopped her. The pair exchanged glances.

"Who do you think it is?" Jazz asked, pushing her wet hair back over her shoulder. Juliette suddenly felt wary, like maybe it was Ace, or even his Boss.

"Probably just Jaxon," Juliette suggested, walking towards the door. Telling herself that made everything seem so much easier.

Instead of an incredibly handsome, silver eyed Alpha King, Juliette was disappointed to see a very tall, quite lanky male, wearing round specs and a grave expression. Juliette stared at him a few moments, sizing up his disheveled hair and wide blue eyes. Her gaze brushed over his white lab coat missing a few buttons, and name tag-Doctor Sybers, Forensic Pathologist.

"Doctor Sybers, Forensic Pathologist," he introduced, holding his hand out to shake. Jazz took his hand instead, practically hip bumping Juliette away from the door, just so she puff her chest out and bat her eyelashes.

Juliette rolled her eyes, pushing Jazz back into the room, much to her disgust. She nodded at the poor guy, totally oblivious to Jazz's so called charms.

"Yes, so I guessed," Juliette said, montioning to his name tag. He held his clipboard away from his chest so he could peer down at his nametag, like he didn't believe that that was what it said. A blush covered his face when he looked back up, as he rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand.

He just looked like an awkward adolescent.

"Anyway, I have come to ask you your names," He said softly, like it was the worst question he could possibly ask two random girls that were still in their pajamas. Jazz stared at him blankly over Juliette's shoulder, while he clicked his pen furiously.

"My boss...well our King told me to check everyones rooms, you know, check for attendance," he said quickly when both girls wouldn't answer. Juliette folded her arms, curious now.

"Why?" she asked. His face flushed again, and he averted his eyes.

"Well theres been an incident..." he broke off, rubbing the back of his neck again. Hmm, more curiosty was blossoming.

"What about?" Jazz asked for Juliette. There was officially no stopping Juliette's blazing mind now.

"I'm not really authorized to tell. If you could please give me your names, that would be great," he said, shuffling his leather clad feet. Juliette glanced at Jazz, then back at the guy.

"Juliette Kerson," Juliette muttered. She was suddenly worried that people might be able to hear her brain function.

Doctor Sybers yelped as his pen suddenly exploded from his excessive clicking, the ink splattered across his coat.

"You two are Juliette and Jasmine?" He asked, wiping at his fingers over the ink, only spreading the blue ink and staining his fingers.


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